
Caitlin and Kris should be in jail for handing over their kid to a child predator. Yeezus I think Kylie aged out of his preference.

Well, that’s why no one gives a fuck. He was just masturbating.

He considers what he did cheating because Jesus. And it is at least emotional cheating, at least for you heteros. For us gay men, this kind of video is a polite way to say hello.

Wait, was he cheating or just peeing and playing with his butt? Those are very different.

I like Anne Hathaway and I appreciate her IG post. The obsession with gestating celebs (and their subsequent ‘post-baby hotness’) is fucking insane. So keep on trolling the paps/tabloids, Anne.

She’s an A-lister who I almost never see in the tabloids and lives a relatively quiet private life. I don’t get where you get “attention whore” from that, especially compared to the average celebrity (including those this site deems worthy of near-worship.)

Please tell me this comment is satiric...

She can't do anything without attracting hate. I still don't get why.

Maybe I’m missing something, but I don’t get the Anne Hathaway hate. I would have done the same in her situation. I imagine she felt really violated, but she used it to empower herself and screw over the photographer. Well-played.

That is a really weird attitude. Nobody forced paparazzi to work in their chosen profession (which requires thousands of dollars of equipment). If actors are making too much money for the work they do, it's hardly their fault, nor is it their obligation to share it with anyone. That said, there's a fair number of

Annie looks lovely and glowing. And now I wish I had worn more bikinis while pregnant.

“the idea that gun owners are extremely responsible and competent individuals”

Seriously! And she has fucking breast implants. I have nothing against showing off one’s knockers- I don’t think I own a bra that isn’t a cleavage enhancing one. But I don’t say, “OH MY GOD HOW OFFENSIVE!” if someone says I have nice breasts.

Ya, I mean, it seems inappropriate because he’s supposed to be a professional journalist or whatever, but it was New Year’s, she was wearing a bra, everyone was drunk. Who cares?

He is the worst for other reasons, but she took off her top and she has breast implants. Come on. Do you really think she was offended? She was prancing around topless. And I say this as someone who is a sex-worker.

Please. She took her top off in the middle of hosting a live tv show. Her tits were fair game. There is nothing offensive about what he said.

That anti-Islamic people continue to think that bacon is to Muslims as kryptonite is to Superman is so hilarious.

Great. Can I wrap a used tampon around the door to a gun shop?

Christ on a cracker. Seriously? I have nothing against artists but this is a ridiculous thing to be offended by. There are so many terrible shirt that actually deserve outrage.

Be my friend!!! I only have 1. :-/