
And let me explain to you, sarcasm rarely translates over text. Sometimes when you are sarcastic to your friends over texts/written form it works, because they personally know you.

The Cameron's are the worst type of people in the world. THE WORST. they are right behind murderers and rapists.

Yeah, I was really trying believe that the police would find out first. Or someone would report it.

Well, that's another thing entirely! You didn't see the text you chose to ignore!

Of course not. But it's an excuse.

But, that goes with “I see your text and don’t care to reply right this second.” Which is ok!! But yes, sometimes you are busy and you can’t/wanna think about your reply.

I was going to address this. Yes this happens. But all the time? To warrant a Twitter apology? No way!

Demi Levato, and anyone else who believes this, you are lying and it’s completely bullshit. No one is “bad at texting.” You don't reply because you don't want to, or don't care to right now. And that's ok. Stop pretending.

Yeah they are all good looking... But what the hell is wrong with that dude’s hair?! Bottom right.

I already though “1,000 men” was dubious at best. How the fuck do you organize 1,000 people to rape and pillage these days?

Oh, it will be maddening, unbearable and yes a bit fun to watch! I always wonder.... Do I know any of those mommy bloggers?!

I hope you fired that OB/GYN.

Just wait until internet mommy bloggers get a hold of this.

OK!! I read your other post about that dude she used to date. I concede a bit and will read up on that. Which I know nothing of. I also didn’t know anything about a sham charity. Well, naming these reasons she’s a shithead is legitimate. Most of the stuff read, is just bla bla she’s insufferable... Bla bla she has no

She could find the cure for cancer. The response would be... “That attention seeking whore! So insufferable!” This Instagram is the same as every post on Instagram. And the caption, she's right.

Attention whore? Ok.

Reneessme! (Sp)

Ooooooohhhhh shut the fuck up.

See their defense is, THIS wasn't a RESPONSIBLE GUN OWER. This is one of the other less responsible gun owners.

Yes for the most part 99% of spoilers I’ve experienced is on Facebook and Instagram. One time though... I’m scrolling though flipboard and a huffpo article comes up and the title was “IS (name of Game of throngs character) REALLY DEAD?!” This was the day after the episode o haven't seen yet. I was so pissed.