
Seriously, this type of shit make me understand Hulk rage

this story is disgusting, but so is your joke.

Shouldn’t it be 400k each?

A supervisor was in on it. It seems to be essentially part of the benefits package. As disgusted as I am, I wish I could say I’m more shocked. Just another form of systematic violence and oppression against POC and women.

At least 50 workers...have been terminated.

You use social media. You send a message that everyone is meeting at a certain place, and those receiving the message tell all their friends. An example of this happened in Kentucky over Christmas. Kids started showing up in large groups pretty much simultaneously.

exactly. waiting more than 6 hours is RUDE. you only do this to a.) people you don’t like b.) while waiting to hear better options or c.) to some random cousin you see once a year.

I'm not so much bad at texting as I am bad at charging my phone so that I have something to text on. 21st century failure. Haven't charged that sucker since before Christmas. Not entirely sure where it is...

Yeah that’s called just being rude.

thank you for saying this. preach.

Nah. There are times when I get a message and don't reply because I'm busy with life and forget. Happens, man.

I think the only way you can be bad at texting back is if you literally don't know how to text.

and tweeting out an apology is so passive aggressive. I’m surprised it didn’t start “I’m sorry if you were offended”


Battery life.

How far can we innovate phones from what they are now? 4-6 inch slabs of screens. Yes, they can get faster but....what else is possible? Half the stuff on phones are gimmicks. I don’t need face tracking, blahblahmeters, or any of Samsung’s bloatware. When the fingerprint unlock option became available, I was pretty

Yeah! They’re headed for disaster! I bet they drop from $90 billion in cash in the bank down to...like...$85 billion cash in the bank when this all pans out. They’ll be ruined!

They’re always unbearable. This will be fun to watch though.

Hi, normal lurker, first time commenter, and German.