DangleSnizCeli Numero 3

“To be fair to them, I was in a rush and didn’t get my shit toasted, which was a tragic error in judgment.”

No fucking chance Trump thought of being this covert by himself, literally no way

Thought his glasses were a candy cane was so confused why he would get his jacket all sticky  

miss that guy

Jay and Kristin do some weird shit in the bedroom, man

Obligatory when will we see him on the Browns post

Absolutely loved the reveal; I have been scoring Reddit weekly and those m’fers nailed most things on the head so i had a good idea of what was coming, but I was never convinced whether MIB was William or Logan. Up until the second he puts on the hat it can go either way (the beginning of the monologue I thought he

“Break a leg out there today, Earl”

Yooo low key shocked “Where is Pakistan??” wasn’t in the bottom left corner

2016 is now also the year i started cheering for flag-burning communists, what the fuck

fuck you gumbi

I have a friend who puts used eggshells back into the motherfucking container so he can “throw them all out at once”, guy’s a psycho

Roger Goodell - annoying ass college RA we all hated

Damn, I just thought it was Kim K and didn’t even give it a second thought

Not even trolling but isn’t blue-grey a thing?

“WATER. Ever drink Evian? It’s fucking terrible. You may have already heard about the trend of water sommeliers

potential employers from around the Cleveland area”

Some Ctrl-Alt-Dlt that dudes brain

Different pronunciations; one is pronounced ruf-ned, the other is how-the-fuck-did-trump-get-elected 

Our whole country is a fucking reality show smh