
I think actors sometimes only think with their actor penis. Ooo, woody Allen , ooo

Correct me if my math is wrong, but wouldn’t she only be 70 now? It’s totally feasible that she is alive to this day and, if so, it makes me so uncomfortable that someone decided to turn this into an exhibit without Margret’s consent.

List of approved items;

Hear, hear! This was great.

I've had assholes from both sides. I say I've officially given up trying to have kids, I've had some who are all about recommending every single method I should have tried and then attempting to make me feel bad for not wanting to have done that.

Jesus. It explains a lot as to why my main anxiety about having children isn't the child - but other parents.

Mmm, I don't think so: not born in a poor country and not filming in Croatia OH MY GOD IT'S SOMEONE FROM GAME OF THRONES.

you seriously came here to pull a #notallmen

My husband is also very personally anti-tattoo but shortly after our wedding I got a NMH-themed tattoo featuring a line from "our song" (and also the song I walked down the aisle to).

Also, they're running a headline right now that reads:

My husband is pretty anti-tattoo when it comes to himself, but I got a tattoo in commemoration of our wedding. 'Love is a parallax' is the title of a Sylvia Plath poem which I used in part of my vows: "love knows not of death nor calculus above the simple sum of heart plus heart." I love the notion that love alters

It's actually from all the excessive masturbation.

Well, I think sometimes people ask others to smile in a creepy way that has an agenda.

But did you know why these people were upset/having a bad day? Maybe it was a tiny thing that would work out. Maybe someone they loved just died. Maybe they just got a horrible diagnosis. Maybe they just got fired and now can't afford things they really, really need, like, say, rent, or medication. Maybe they just got

So, you first pull a dick move, and then loudly wish death on those people if they aren't happy that you pulled a dick move? Yeah, I can't imagine why you aren't spreading sunshine and rainbows wherever you go

Because other people's bad days are all about you? Especially strangers.

I had a guy tell me to smile, it's not so bad once.

Or we could leave strangers alone. I just don't feel it's my place to tell anyone I don't know to consider altering their facial expression. You also don't know their situation. For me, I glare because I'm squinting to see, no one needs to tell me what's up.

We never did a proposal. We just mutually decided we wanted to get married. There are some videos that seem kind of cute, if you know the person likes that sort of thing, but mostly it gives me second hand embarrassment and I would die if my husband would have done that.

You will never look like her because you can't heavily photoshop life. Look, I think she looks incredible WITHOUT (and frankly with) photoshop. Just don't compare yourself. I bet you are amazing just the way you are!