
Stop and Shop / Giant Foods :)

#teamtopsheet OK, I don’t know if this is a locality thing but I have actually never dated any guys who didn’t use a top sheet. Also, most of the people where I am from (central PA) use comforterts, not duvets. So, that probably has something to do with it. My bf and I currently have like 8 bags worth of dirty laundry

You need a neurologist. Not a family physician. I also take topamax to prevent migraines (which is actually an anti seizure drug) which works wonders but has a lot of side effects and I also take Imitrex when I have a full-blown attack after it’s started. You need a specialist who is invested in your care. You should

15 year old me would be totally shocked that I live in NYC, I think. And also totally shocked that I have a 7 year old child. I also think 15 year old me would dye my hair back to black and be appalled that I don't have any tattoos yet. She probably wouldn't dig my wardrobe entirely now either with how adult it is or

There is a reason OB/GYNs normally recommend IUDS to women who have already given birth. Otherwise the cervix doesn't want to cooperate and the IUD becomes dislodged. I haven't heard of your case though. I am sorry and I hope you get the procedure you want soon.

I have a kid. I had him young. I was 20. Now I am 27. It was totally planned and by choice. Most of my friends are actually childless. The ones who have chosen that, I never judge and have actually told them how much I applaud their choice because it is not only bad for your mental health but terrible for a child if

blasphemy! Revenge is still one of my favorite shows. :(

Boyfriend definitely fits into the definite feminist category. He identifies openly as feminist (beautiful *mwah*) which makes me super happy. He agrees with me on abortion. He believes fat-shaming and slut - shaming are gross. (When I first told him how many people I slept with he told me he didn't care... first time

I laughed way, way too hard at that.

Shit, I am in the exact same situation, except I have definitely been with women before. I have brought it up to him, and it has been hurting his feelings. I am being patient, and kind with him and openly communicating. Probably the best thing you can do... and do not rush the person into into it if you love him.

same here. my grandfather had to teach me about minstrelbshows and blackface and racism in the south where he was stationed in the 50s... he hasn't forgotten that shit. And neither have most older folks. he is white, but found the treatment of his black friends appaling.

Yes, most American folk songs are minstrel songs, but most of them don't have racist lyrics. This used to be the number One entertainment for white pepple

I don't know anything about his kids, but I freaking love Casey and I was very upset to hear about this because it just seems like she is being a giant bitch to his children.

I know! I loved listening to him talk, and make dedications. I listened to it every week. I also have always loved his voice acting, as I'm sure many people have.

Tim is my favorite gay.

Wow, this is amazing. I have NEVER heard him angry before! Lol!

This story probably affected me the most. I really, really liked him when I was a little kid listening to him on the radio. I am really sad for his children right now.

This is very related to the comment I just made. I used to kind of regret not having a second kid right away, but now I am glad because I am sure I want another now. My kid is six. But, I will probably adopt. Pregnancy sucks and I have health problems now that I didn't then.

YES. Also, I used to think it was weird that I didn't have a second baby right away. (My kid is nearly six), but lately I am glad I did because now I am sure that if things keep going this way with the boyfriend, I want a second child someday. Although, I think there is a good chance I will adopt.

i am laughing so hard right now because this reminded me of when one of my girlfriends who is bi, but more into dudes had a guy send her a dick pic and she literally said to him "i would rather see your girlfriends tits. Send me a picture of that. Ask her." Because she thinks penis pics are gross.