
You win the “unnecessary killjoy”award for today.

In every election I’ve voted in before this one I could see the merits of the “other” candidate. I’m guessing I’ve been an officer in the United States Marine Corps longer than you’ve been alive. There was no merit in voting for Trump in this election, in fact if you did and continue to defend that decision I am

If you think THIS is disgusting, imagine how disgusting most reasonable people found it when Trump mocked that disabled reporter with generic disabled/retarded gestures.

To the bunch who really like him - and there are way more than you kiddies imagine - it’s disgusting, and there will be a price to pay.

You lost me at “there will be a price to pay”. Go eat an ass. Free speech far surpasses any manufactured* theory that this man deserves respect for being president. In fact, the hallmark of free society is the right to openly, freely, and without recourse - mock the very leaders that represent us (or lack the capacity

This news hasn’t been ideal for HBO, since they were seemingly content to suckle at George RR Martin’s teat forever.

So are humans. Please neuter yourself and spay your wife.

I feel bad every time I watch that show, because it’s a total hate watch. My wife and I have probably said “why are we still watching this?” about 150 times the last two seasons. I think I’m just hoping they kill the Charmings off at some point and make it worth it.

Can’t be late to work now, can we?

monogamy took the bone, and matrimony took the balls.

If it was a mistake to do it to the Krogan, it’s a mistake to do it now.

I considered writing a point for point rebuttal of the shows I know, but I’ll just leave you with

Canadian here, we don’t have nukes because we manage to have cordial relationships with other nations and don’t need to walk around waving a gun to feel safe.

I fucking agree. Let it be a four letter free for all in the comments, maybe even in the story itself. But a serious writer, and a grown assed adult (of which I am one), should not include profanity in the headline. It’s juvenile and lacks professionalism. Profanity should be considered the dash of spice in the main

Living in Canada feels more like living next to a biker bar than a police station.

Whoa! The Tribbles have faces!

I enjoy Gizmodo but please chill on the cursing.

Agree with this as well. I particularly hate those “free reviews”, I skip over them. What I look for, no matter how high the rating, is the negatives.