
I got one from Amazon for $130 just a few days before it went on sale for $69. I contacted Amazon to see if they would refund the difference, but they refused. So I just ordered another one at the new price and returned the first one for a full refund. Not sure why Amazon thinks they’re coming out ahead to deal with

I got one from Amazon for $130 just a few days before it went on sale for $69. I contacted Amazon to see if they

Cool. How’s the move towards a bride burning and gang rape-less society going?

After a week of losing my aunt to a drunk driver, and my 14 yo lab to cancer, I needed this.

It’s almost like this Casey fellow doesn’t have very high standards, or any ability to discern quality, or any pride in his really quite important job.

Which is why I keep the shitty things that I do to my dog to an absolute minimum.

We really need to lobby for better animal rights. Poor fuckers have no voice of their own.

babies are gross

It’s purposely awful. This is a young Flash just starting out that made his own costume using spare parts and 3D printing. It has been reported for like 6 months that by the end of the film, he will receive a proper costume, most likely courtesy of Bruce Wayne.

You’re right. How dare I expect people to be considerate of others.

Those are Trumps butt plugs. They were white before he used them.

Usually I don’t care about this kind of stuff, but why does this need goddamn in the headline AND again in the first paragraph? it just lessens the impact and takes away any journalistic credibility there might have been in an article pulling facts from another story.

I bet this movie made a lot of people cry.

Like something a little tween girl might write to try and be cool.

This review makes less sense than the movie.

I know I’m a bit high at the moment but what the hell did I just read? Like, is it me or does this article consist of mostly rambling incoherent thoughts? Should I be doing shots every time I read “Suicide Squad: The Extended Cut”?

If you go a gym to work out, the answer is never. It is never ok to drag your sick, sniffling self in there and infect every machine, bar and bench in the place. If you’re going for a run, or you have a home workout room, fine, but this is just like people coming into work. sick You aren’t showing how tough you are by

Der Trumpenführer has spoken!

Glad to see Dick Cheese weigh in on this.

You bastard.