
I’m wondering who these guys are that plant_daily interacts with that are out there trying to knock up random women. Because in my experience, it’s absolutely the opposite - guys are always trying to avoid getting saddled with (or at least, paying for) a kid.

I get it and applaud the honesty. I appreciate people who know they don’t want kids so they don’t bother having them. I know plenty of parents who should never have had kids.

Forgot about sexy Cyber -woman !

Unrelated but gonna leave this here.



It looks like Tintin became Darth Vader...

Zombieland 2, Sonic the Hedgehog, the new Kingsman movie, a new Terminator movie, Frozen 2, and other movies released in late 2019—now has equally serious competition. It’ll come to theaters already showing Godzilla vs. Kong and Maleficent 2, and later compete with the Rock’s Red Notice, a new Pixar movie, and the Top

Yet you still buy these phones? Do you know the definition of cuckold?

With $300m you don’t have to deal with taxes. You hire someone to deal with taxes for you.

Not exactly a religious person myself, but I’d argue that IF there’s a greater being such as a God, or any greater being for that matter really, human would be as insignificant and human mind would be as incapable of understanding such being as a microbe living in our stomach trying to understand that they’re living

Counterpoint: Iron Fist season 2 was better than any of the second seasons of the other Marvel/Netflix shows.

Wow, as probably one of the few people who enjoyed season 1, I’m really disappointed hearing that news. Season 2 has been a massive improvement in almost every way, and seeing these characters go is a serious bummer. If this doesn’t open the door for a Daughters of the Dragon or Heroes for Hire show, I’m gonna be

Kirk Acevedo, who plays the alarmingly persistent Ricardo Diaz, has been promoted to series regular for the show’s seventh season. [TV Line]

Kirk Acevedo, who plays the alarmingly persistent Ricardo Diaz, has been promoted to series regular for the show’s seventh season.

You’re wrong.  I already own several.  Now YOU sit down, shut up and stop making stupid ASSumptions.  

Wow.  All this does is convince me to never, EVER buy any Apple products ever again.  This should be illegal.  

this computer is a couple years old at this point, and it wasn’t exactly a powerhouse when it was originally released. But if you just need a travel-friendly Mac, and don’t need it to be particularly powerful,...

this computer is a couple years old at this point, and it wasn’t exactly a powerhouse when it was originally