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    me, my dad and my brother all have the same birthmark, so yeah, pretty sure lol

    My dad had a vasectomy and my mom was pregnant the next year, they don’t always take lol. 

    lol wtf is this sexist comment. Lots of guys don’t want to make a woman pregnant and be stuck paying child support. Lots of guys are in relationships and would take this pill so their wife does not have to. Maybe you need to reevaluate where you find your ‘men’. 

    I understand the principle of Bitcoin, I’ve dabbled and made some profit. I just can’t wrap my head around around what a NFT is. Don’t care to either 🤷‍♂️

    It’ll depend on your signal. I use Nvidia Shield. I used to have a deco m9 router and it was horrible, too much delay. I recently upgraded to an archer x11000 and now it’s much better, it hiccups occasionally but it’s usually stable. I also found Nvidia gamestream (if you have a Nvidia card in your pc) gives me better

    I guess I should get some fake books since all of mine are on my kindle 😒

    I still have my RTX 2080, so screw that. I’ll wait.

    Yep, I even tried 200mg a day when I had neck pain, did absolutely nothing. Imo CBD is low doses is snakeoil. 

    Yep, I even tried 200mg a day when I had neck pain, did absolutely nothing. Imo CBD is low doses is snakeoil. 

    You should really give RDR2 a chance, once you’re down with the intro, you can wander around their amazing world and pretty much do everything you want. I lost myself for hours just discovering stuff.

    if you’re getting feeling of relaxation from 10 mg of CBD (without THC), you’re flying high in placebo land my friend

    if you’re getting feeling of relaxation from 10 mg of CBD (without THC), you’re flying high in placebo land my friend

    -Clark W. Griswold

    I just use an echo dot as my alarm clock. Way cheaper and does the job. 

    Tried to read the books a year or two ago, just couldn’t do it. Most of the characters were unlikable to me. Think I made it through 4-5 books then just said F it.

    I tought retropie didn’t run N64 emulations that well? I read there were bugs.

    How do you manage that? Me and the wife (no kids) use our dishwasher every two days. With three meals each and whatever we get dirty when making food, this thing looks absolutely useless to me.

    I bought one of these at Costco last year, probably last years model, it’s black and metal grey in color. I’ve been impressed with the surround sound for the price. You can easily distinguish sound effects coming from back right/left corner and it fills up my living room quite nicely.

    There are other ways to get books. Just transfer them via usb afterwards. 

    They should use flashpoint to change the actor playing Flash...

    Same here.

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