I guess I should get some fake books since all of mine are on my kindle 😒
I guess I should get some fake books since all of mine are on my kindle 😒
Yep, I even tried 200mg a day when I had neck pain, did absolutely nothing. Imo CBD is low doses is snakeoil.Â
Yep, I even tried 200mg a day when I had neck pain, did absolutely nothing. Imo CBD is low doses is snakeoil.Â
if you’re getting feeling of relaxation from 10 mg of CBD (without THC), you’re flying high in placebo land my friend
if you’re getting feeling of relaxation from 10 mg of CBD (without THC), you’re flying high in placebo land my friend
-Clark W. Griswold
I tought retropie didn’t run N64 emulations that well? I read there were bugs.
Join the club
No sleeve here. Just glass screen protector. Had it since launch, not a scratch. Guess we're all stupid then?Â
Maybe everyone doesn’t attribute the same importance to 80$ that you do. Heck, an outing at a restaurant with the wife is almost double that. I was bored this weekend and figured why not. I was pleasantly surprised, it’s a good game.Â
she got 20 years, read the article
Mario Kart
I live in Canada, Québec. I pay 70$ for unlimited gigabit internet. I'm with bell Fibe. I got the angry customer discount though.Â
Origin had a few scenes in the present, but they were very short and barely added anything to the story (which was great for me since I always hate those parts).
You seem to forget two things:
I lol’d at the homunculus comment.Â
You’re better off going with ‘Never’.
I have, they’ve worked perfectly at -40 celcius (canadian winter) and are working now at 45 celcius (summer). They are protected from water though.
I have, they’ve worked perfectly at -40 celcius (canadian winter) and are working now at 45 celcius (summer). They…
Since you’re the one that went there... that hasn’t been my assessment at the several gyms I’ve attended.
Paying your entire bill every month is good practise too. My interest could be 200% and I couldn’t care less.
You’re forgetting that they include the liquid, drain the can and you’ll notice the weight does down, portion size don’t the liquid, so you’re not getting as much protein as you thought you were.