
I don’t think they could get away with all the animal deaths during production anymore.

I would think 6 months probably isn’t enough training for them to be good at it. You’ve been a writer for years and you still suck. Yet you still have a job, somehow.

Well, I would volunteer to help as a sniffer in a study like that.

“A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to”- Elon Gandalf Musk

Landmass doesn’t breathe. People do. It’s accurate to use “the world” to discuss the entire population.

Incorrect. Jokes contain humor.

“There’s more reasons to ditch the jack than to keep it. In my first week of owning the phone it has had literally zero impact on my day to day life. There are more than enough tech reviews to explain why it was a smart move.”

I really wouldn’t consider this the same as blackface. I mean this is akin to wearing a mask. Surely you’ve seen the likes of an Obama mask on a white man. Were you offended by such a thing? I wouldn’t consider that blackface either. It’s portraying a real person or character with a costume, which is what people

Racist black face does not exist. Please disregard this paranoid, attention-seeking person trying to build their false narrative.

And you’re a troll. Got it.

Get help. You need it.

I’m not Kryptonian, can I wear a Superman costume?

That made me furious.

I would have gladly taken that dog instead of them severing its spinal cord.

Isn’t this incredibly unethical?

Delicious, delicious irony.

Unless you are a chick it is probably a bad idea to try and say what is and isn’t sexist.

I think spinning it as sexism is a little bit far. People are excited because he’s Superman, not because he’s Superman, y’know?

In summer, my attic gets into Death Valley temperatures, and this is living in the SF Bay Area where temperatures are mild. I don’t think this is healthy for the longevity of the flat panel and motor.