
“as far as I know everyone is a Beyoncé fan.”

This half-asleep, half-awake state may work as a way to monitor unfamiliar surroundings.”


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Wow, and it hovers!

I think he’s being a touch too hard on himself. No, it wasn’t quite the film that Avengers 1 was, but then we had the novelty of seeing all those characters together on screen for the first time in 2012.

I liked AoU, but it was the same as the first one. Instead of Hulk fighting Thor, we got Hulk vs Hulkbuster. Instead of NYC, we got the floating city.

Good to see him take responsibility for the issues in AoU. Still, James Spader’s performance as Ultron was worth the admission alone.

Terminal troll velocity achieved.

Unbelievable, but not impossible. It would be nothing like what the world will look like in a million years. I’m fairly confident (for my own reasons) that no intelligent life will exist. Humans are advancing too fast to stick around for too long. Look at us. The solution to climate change is investing in fusion

As, apparently, are you.

I have 16TB so far in my desktop.

I look forward to filling this tower up.

Yes, I’m a digital hoarder.

I want to bring altavista back.

I will host a copy of the whole internet when the apocalypse comes.

Isn’t it just surreal that dinosaurs lived for hundreds of millions of years, and yet since it was so long ago, it seems like no big deal to us? Like, humans (as we know them) were literally around for a few thousand years, even less if you consider more “modern” societies. Really makes you wonder what we’d achieve in

I and the ecology of the Earth which we rely on to feed ourselves, derive medicines and various technologies from, and maintain a humble sense of awe and wonder which often drives human kind’s creativity and aspiration towards greater things disagree with your trite, glib, and ironically illogical statement.

Although I personally agree that “dystopian” is an over the top word, you show a depressingly callous disregard for fellow sentient creatures. From a human perspective, consider this —-

Similar real, non-’shopped images are just as dystopian looking.

But it’s easier to stay focused and determined to stick out to the end if you’re distracted by a giant eye-melting screen in front of you.

A really smart guy. Can’t you read?