
Even though the Chinese are masters of environmentally ruining a land, the Brazilians don’t really need any help... they’re already destroying Brazil just ‘fine’ on their own. Sheesh.

Sad is feeling some kinda way about someone else’s harmless opinion just because it doesn’t align with your own.

My grandpa gave me some very useful advice: “Never chase a woman or a bus. You look stupid doing it and there is always another one coming.”

If one rejection puts you in a depression for several years, sounds like you need to seek professional help.

No, I wouldn’t be upset. It’s not my blog and I have the ability to NOT read things I don’t want to read... and I should point out that if you don’t like the content a website is putting out, giving articles pageviews and comments which draw others in to generate even more pageviews isn’t the way to do it.

I scanned this comment but I didn’t read it. Why bother?

The wonderful thing about the internet is that no one is going to stop you from starting your own blog and only posting what you see fit to post.

It should be legal to hunt them. Imagine what people would pay to hunt poachers?

AcDisplay is the best in this category

Why are you trying to play games on this? It is obviously intended as a portable browser for simple tasks on a dumbed down OS. Did anything work at all? Did you try Google apps on chrome, or videos on Netflix? Would anyone who has uses a fit pc or a raspberry pi benefit from this device?

I find this chart to be of much more use:

As always, the Prophet Watterson tried to warn us.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but my Costco AMEX is a beautiful beautiful card.

I guess I'm a geek/douche.
Color me stupid by I have a hell of a time getting consistent/congruent straight lines using my trimmer.
I've got a full beard now, but used to just have a goatee & side burns. Can't tell you how many times I screwed one side-burn or the other up and made em crooked.
4-star reviews seem

Wow - That is ugly!

Agreed. Click open your c:\ if you're using Windows 7 or higher and you'll see a Program Files and Program Files (x86) directory or right click an icon and you'll find that Compatibility Mode. That's because Microsoft has always tried to support all software regardless of what OS you're using and it's an absolute