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    No sleeve here. Just glass screen protector. Had it since launch, not a scratch. Guess we're all stupid then? 

    Maybe everyone doesn’t attribute the same importance to 80$ that you do. Heck, an outing at a restaurant with the wife is almost double that. I was bored this weekend and figured why not. I was pleasantly surprised, it’s a good game. 

    Think it’s in one of the last few seasons, he’s pretty much a regular, Gavin Belson. One of the best parts of the show (him and his crazy bodyguard/advisor). I get a kick everytime he mentions his rivarly with Jeff Bezos.

    It’s an HBO TV series (comedy), Silicon Valley, worth a watch.

    I liked her but the show is ok without her. I’m just pissed they got rid of Stein and Jackson. 

    good lord...

    Thinking like that will lead to our downfall.


    he’s on The 100 too, does a good job

    Same here, I really enjoyed Season 2 (even season 1). I liked that it wasn’t an incredibly slow burn like most Netflix series. Iron Fist and Punisher are my favorite Marvel Netflix series. 

    I’d say plot/story elements (as well as missing out on a good game). The whole Triss/Yenn/Geralt dynamic. It’s not essential, but you’d miss out on story/emotional connections. I’m pretty sure I missed out on some stuff not having played the first game but I simply found it atrocious (game mechanics).

    I tried playing the first game and... it hasn’t aged well at all.

    my thought exactly, only played the games, but she seems too young to me

    Seriously. I’ve had cats all of my life. They have always stayed inside.

    Knowing this, maybe you should keep your cat inside.

    ::coughs:: torrents :::coughs:::

    Mad Men

    The cast still pretty much looks like they did back then though (besides Ron Glass for obvious reasons). If they were willing, they could just pick up where they left off. It’s nice to dream. 

    she got 20 years, read the article

    I’m in the same boat man, gaming at 3440x1440 and the GTX 1080ti is still serving me well. On the fence about upgrading or waiting for th8e next generation.