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    I’m currently gaming at 3440x1440 on a GTX 1080ti. I get around 100 fps (got gsync on my screen and caps at 100 fps). I run pretty much all my games at max setting.

    Was going to say just that.

    Mario Kart

    I live in Canada, Québec. I pay 70$ for unlimited gigabit internet. I'm with bell Fibe. I got the angry customer discount though. 

    Origin had a few scenes in the present, but they were very short and barely added anything to the story (which was great for me since I always hate those parts).

    You seem to forget two things:

    I lol’d at the homunculus comment. 

    You’re better off going with ‘Never’.

    Vague article imo. Doesn’t answer the important questions.

    Seriously, until I read the article, I thought this was going to be a tv series. Doesn’t look good imo. 

    Yes. Yes he has. So has Carnage.

    I have, they’ve worked perfectly at -40 celcius (canadian winter) and are working now at 45 celcius (summer). They are protected from water though.

    I have, they’ve worked perfectly at -40 celcius (canadian winter) and are working now at 45 celcius (summer). They

    Since you’re the one that went there... that hasn’t been my assessment at the several gyms I’ve attended.

    Same here, if she’s not in the mood and I am, I take care of myself and don’t end up being grumpy. She understands that. As long as it’s wife > porn she doesn’t care.

    Guardians of The Galaxy was far from mediocre to barely serviceable. 

    She sure looks great in them though.

    Totally agree. I actually checked the address bar in my broswer, I thought I had stumbled onto Jezebel.

    People buy photoshop?

    lightning: a brilliant electric spark discharge in the atmosphere, occurring within a thundercloud, between clouds, or between a cloud and the ground.

    True, but the livestock impact on climate change is once again due to humans (we eat the vows). If we looked to other sources for nutrition we could reduce the emissions. I love a good hamburger like anyone else though ;)