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    I know right. Same thing happened to me when I bought a BenQ projector, a few days later it’s 200$ cheaper. I told them what I was going to do and they didn’t care.

    I know right. Same thing happened to me when I bought a BenQ projector, a few days later it’s 200$ cheaper. I told

    I keep wanting to buy one, but until the roomba can travel to the second floor and down to the basement, I think I’ll pass.

    I keep wanting to buy one, but until the roomba can travel to the second floor and down to the basement, I think

    This is pathetic.

    You must be new here. Just be happy it wasn’t titled :

    Been using kindles since they came out. Currently 3 in my household. Never had that problem. Call customer service, they are very helpful with that kind of thing. They will probably replace it for free.

    Been using kindles since they came out. Currently 3 in my household. Never had that problem. Call customer service,

    If it makes you feel any better, I actually liked it, and so did my wife. I’ll never watch it again though. Way better than Jason Bourne. It’s worth mentioning that I didn’t spend a cent to watch it though.

    Mines running pretty great with all the mods and ENB (GTX 970), you should try it.

    As opposed to all the other experimentations that are done on chimps? If you ask me, this one has it easy.

    Holy wall of text Batman.

    Seriously, what I thought. Shouldn’t he be trying to scare it away or something.

    Meh, I’ll just grab it on PirateBay. Take that CBS.

    Lol, they’ll last longer than you. (Not a Nitendo fan, simply a realist).

    What? Nads ripped off?

    The Road (2009), good movie, but somewhat depressing.

    The Road (2009), good movie, but somewhat depressing.

    Being Canadian, I find this hilarious. I try not to think of the ramifications these two idiots could have on my country...

    ::coughs:: piratebay

    You should consider writing for Jezebel. Not the first time you post something like this and have no valid argument when you get called up on it.

    They did a pretty good job with The Jungle Book, so you never know.

    I managed to stop. So did all of my family. All it takes is some willpower.