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    Can’t just stop smoking like people did before e-cigarettes came out?

    What about sex? I pity your mom.

    I would think it’s more along the line that they experimented on several children and gave them numbers instead of names. She would be the successful experiment.

    That must ruin it for you, knowing that there will be an orgy... smh

    Yeah... that Albert Fish letter? I wish I had paid more attention and seen that warning to not read. I hope old Sparky hurt like hell. Hopefully they forgot to hydrate the sponge like in the Green Mile movie.

    Wonder if the comments would of been different if it had been a hot bikini clad woman. (hint hint)

    Holyfuckingshit... I pay 57$/month for 25 Mps download and 15 Mps upload... with a limit of 400GB.

    I opted for Kodi. I have 4 x 4TB hard drives full of content in a PC that runs Kodi and is connected to my home theatre (sound system and projector). Haven’t had cable for years and don’t miss it.

    Understandable. I loved the movie as a kid myself. Seeing it again as an adult though... I see no way it could of been special effects in the 80's. Poor animals :( 

    Try not to think about all the Milo’s and Otis’s that died in the making of the movie, it might spoil the mood...

    That was harsh. I like it.

    Maybe it’s just me, when I saw ‘breathing’, I assumed it was the population. Anywho... no skin off my back.

    So you’re disapointed because at first you thought he actually meant the world and not the population was breating the air?

    I watched season 20 something a few years ago (22, 23?) it was funny imo. Homer just makes me laygh. I tried to watch an episode lately, the one where Bart goes to NY to meet his yokel girlfriend, was a real bore. It’s probably hit or miss these days.

    That guy almost looks like Ted.

    I’m starting to think he is.

    Actually it’s not. If most people don’t see the problem and believe that any child or any race or gender should be able to wear the costume, it means they are not racists. Outrage just fuels the fire.

    Well now that’s just ridiculous.

    Obviously it will never happen.

    Jeffrey Dahmer? No, I’d say he forfeited his human rights. I’d lose a lot less sleep knowing this guy was getting experimented on than chimps, dogs or any other innocent animal.