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    I propose prison inmates. The worse of the worse of course.

    I agree 100%.

    Poor dog, I shouldn’t of watched that video.

    Unfortunately people always use the argument that human > animal, so it allows them to pretty much do anything to animals if it’s for the ‘bettement’ of mankind. Like most test animals, this poor dog was probably killed, or used for further testing down the road.

    Sounds great, but I’m not willing to give up my 160 inch 1080p projector home theatre setup for a 4k 40-50 inch screen. When 4k projectors are reasonably priced, then I’ll be all for it.

    I can’t figure out if you’re being sarcastic, or involuntarily stupid.

    You’re not the one who should be apologizing.

    My wife disagrees with you. Last time I checked (last night) she was a chick. Maybe you should go write for Jezebel.

    Get a Bosch. Mine gets everything, cheese, dried egg yolks... everything.

    Was going to post the same thing.

    Depends on your PC. I’m having a blast with it, no crashes.

    I have nothing against smokers, I even like the smell of cigars and smoked a few when I was younger. What irks me, is being subjected to second hand smoking (which has been proven to be a health hazard). It’s not a matter of being a hater, but I shouldn’t have to be subjected to smoke. Be it in a restaurant, in a

    Hooray for places that kick out ALL smokers. I don’t remember ordering a side of cancer with my meal...

    That’s actually reasonable, especially in countries where they have public healthcare.

    She will pretend to pee while on walks so she can save it up for later passive-aggresion.

    I’ve been using IPVanish for a few months, works great.

    Demonoid is a wasteland.

    Thanks for the tip. Still works, there seems to be some content (in HEVC, yay!) I couldn’t find elsewhere.

    I agree with this solution.

    It’s just you. I can easily see the difference between 4K and 1080p on a 42 inch tv. I can only imagine on a 55 inch. Imo 3D is crap, but resolution is another matter. That being said, 1080 is perfectly fine, but 4K is worth it.