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    Yeah but what happens when the water is either absorbed by the body or excreted? I assume more eating.

    coughs... fat tax... coughs

    Agreed. People are starving all around the world, and these people are just eating for the sake of eating then dumping the non digested food so that they can keep eating.

    This reminds me of that scene in The Hunger Games. People eating for fun then purging themselves to eat more while people starve. Smdh...

    Jeffrey Dead Morgan is 1 year younger than Downey... don’t think that would be a good move.

    He’s a mutant (even if it was ttiggered artificially). He can lift/pull 10,000 pounds and has reflexes 15x a normal human. Bucky has an articial arm. It’s no contest.

    And the next winner of the Darwin awards is....

    Well, you know what they say, if you can’t run, you crawl, and when you can’t do that, find someone to carry you.

    I had an acer PC for over 6 years, never had a problem. Only reason I got rid of it was because I went from DDR 2 to DDR 3 and replaced pretty much all the parts.

    You actually expected Iron Man to die? Cap is still a possiiblity.

    You just answered your own questions. You’ll watch, so they’ll make it.

    I agree. I have a gigabyte brix mini pc with Kodi. All I need.

    Well I honestly didn’t know man, what can I say. I somehow knew the movie was being made even though you seem to think I wouldn’t have since I missed that crucial detail. Have a great day, don’t want to start anything here.

    Eh, I’ve got other things going on, I don’t follow every detail ;)

    Hah I didn’t even realise it was him who voiced Ultron, love that guy.

    Same here, I have 16TB in an external enclosure, hooked up to a mini-pc with Kodi. All that hooked up to my TV/projector. My own personal Netflix.

    I think you’re wrong there. He’s stupid, but he doesn’t know it.

    Looking at these make me think, and sad. I imagine this is what the artist wanted to convey.

    Unlike useless humans?

    Now that’s something I’d like to see.