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    Rip Hunter, is that you?

    I’m ready for this to be over, last few seasons weren’t that good imo.

    Pretty sure it did, but I might be mistaken.

    Imo it looks like a good phone, but there’s nothing that makes me want to get it over other phones. There’s no wow factor. I’m hoping it works out for them though, more competition = better products.

    Totally agree. You forgot about the kids talking and kicking the seat...

    Same for me, we (me and wife) were able to get our tickets refunded.

    Ah man, I came here for this. Me and the wife went in the Simpsons ride 3 years ago, we nearly puked. I had my eyes closed and had my backpack open ready to barf. The worse thing was, there was no way to get out of the ride. We promptly went to customer service, had our passes refunded and left the park.

    I was commenting on his attitude in general. You use emojis so you should be shunned... couldn’t care less if someone uses them tbh.

    I have a LG G4 right now and it’s one of the best phone’s I’ve had in years.

    Imo there’s a terrible misunderstanding of Batman as well, he was killing people left and right in that movie.

    Where do I get one with Trump’s face on it?

    Remember that epiode of Seinfeld where Kramer prepared food in his shower?


    Totally, last time I sent a smiley face to my wife, I forgot how to use my ‘physical mouth and actual flesh-and-blood face’ for the entire day.

    I don’t see what that has to do with using an emoji in a text, but ok dude.

    Actually I don’t. I also don’t feel the need to ‘shun’ people who use emojis as the OP stated.

    You must be fun at parties.

    I love the Mpow Swift 2nd-Gen. I’ve used more expensive buds before, but they never fit quite right. A solid product for the price. I use them at the gym (music) and in the subway (watching videos) all the time.

    I love the Mpow Swift 2nd-Gen. I’ve used more expensive buds before, but they never fit quite right. A solid product

    You got me at the bowtie lol.

    Wtf is that thing?