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    I’ve tried it (in pdf format) on a kindle e-reader, imo, way too small to enjoy. Better to have an actual tablet for comics.

    Yes... it does. Obese people can be active and still have several side effects from the excessive weight. Heck, it’s the case for my mother in law. She’s been warned by her doctor.

    Came here for this.

    Being fat can lead to heart disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and even cancer. You can’t say most fat people are healthy and it’s not just about being sexy. My job isn’t physically demanding, so I go to the gym everyday. People need to stop making excuses and get off their butts.

    Very cool, but will this Gameboy have enough buttons to play SNES games? (Two button controll vs 4 button for SNES).

    People are out of fucks to give and getting fatter by the minute. Sounds about right. Too bad that in countries with free healthcare, healthy people are stuck paying the bill...

    They forgot the LG G4 imo. Great phone. I’ll be using it until early 2017 probably.

    Ahahaha my wife asked the same thing (she hasn’t seen the old movies).My theory was that he was raging himself up with pain for more power, but I had no clear answer for her. We both didn’t like him as a villain.


    Quantity over quality?

    My guess is that he will be the one to survive it all. But who the f*** knows with this series.

    Well of course, that’s the ideal solution. Personally, seeing his childish reaction to the whole piracy/tidal debacle, I dowloaded his album just to delete it afterwards. That guy’s a butt nugget.

    Just get it on PirateBay. Even Kanye was seen using that site.

    I sincerely hope you’re being sarcastic.

    I really enjoyed this movie, never understood why it people hated. Heck, even my wife liked it and she’s not a ‘super hero movie’ fan.

    I hated people like you when I worked retail.

    They did the same for 300, and the movie was awesome, so you never know.

    I agree my fellow Canadian.

    Have you ever seen Superman in the comics? He’s huge.

    3 minutes between sets... Ain’t nobody got time fo dat...