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    Yes he has. Last episode he killed a few.

    lot people care what computer look like

    Or maybe humans are making it worse?

    Run the OS off a SSD drive.

    Well imagine you’re a creature of limited intellect (should be easy for you), being placed in a type of bottomless aquarium over a threadmill and being forced to walk for an extended period of time. It must be disconcerting. Especially when they fall (as was mentionned).

    This seems borderline cruel. I really don’t see what useful information can be gained by this. The results are obvious...

    Is that Joey?

    Haha too true. At least the wallpapers on the new kindles are basically asbtract art, no faces at all.

    I’d done something similar as well. I was sad when my old kindle stopped working. Too bad the new ones can’t be hacked (afaik).

    The sarcasm is strong with this one.

    175-180 is healthy weight for the average fit/not fat guy around 5'10-5'11. In my case, 12% BF, 5'11 and weigh 176, consider myself a grown man =P

    Sad but true. As an animal lover, sometimes it’s hard not to be prejudiced towards that country...

    A broken tusk, which is common, can lead to a life-threatening infection. Poachers use darts, poison and high-powered automatic rifles with night scopes to take elephants down and, while they are dying, the tusks are gouged out of from the living elephant’s skull. The elephants die an agonizing, slow death from

    It took me a few seconds to see where you were going with this... ouch.

    lol + 1 for you.

    Came here for this, haha.

    Anyone got one for BitHQ? =D

    Don’t forget Agent Carter.

    And the point of this article was...?

    At least he’s good for a laugh. Smdh from Canada...