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    So many +1's for you.

    Interesting topic. I often ask people to spot me at the gym on my last set, but I usually pick guys that I’ve seen benching similar or more weight than I currently am. Obviously I wouldn’t ask a guy that seems to weighs maybe 100 pounds soaking wet. But it makes you think, what if something happened? That guy in the

    One can only hope.

    Yeah that’s a global average. You are aware that there are extremes across the planet that balance out ‘global’ averages right? Polar bears aren’t drowning for nothing, streets melted in India this year. Heck, we didn’t even get snow this christmas in Montreal Canada.

    No nostalgia here. I hated the old movies and only going to see this one because my friends are going. I actually like the older one better.

    Suprisingly, me too.

    Yes. Yes I can.

    or people will resort to piracy

    Far from a solid 6’ though ;)

    Actually according to Google she is 5’8. Not sure how tall you are, but to me, that’s short.


    I lol’d.

    We’re debating semantics here, you have your opinion and I have mine. Imo, this toy doesn’t feel right.

    I’m not saying you do, but in my opinion, even an insect doesn’t deserve to be tormented. I’m aware their ability to ‘feel’ is another debate, but can’t deny that thing must freak it the fuck out.

    I’m not taking it that far, but I’d prefer to teach my children that all life should be respected, even if it’s simply an insect. I’m not saying I’ve never killed one, but if I do, I prefer to do it quick and not to torment it beforehand. Same thing with meat, I eat it, but I buy it from free range sellers.

    And later down the road... it’s only a dog.

    Happy to know I’m not the only who thought about that.

    The pirated content is still better though. Netflix doesn’t have the newest shows (at least not in Canada) and it’s easy to get any show the day after they aired in 1080 quality.

    Man that things is awful, who designed this?!

    I’ve been using Drive for a good while now and never had a problem. I share a lot of files with other people and have it across 4 PC’s. Google Photos is also a plus. Personally, I prefer it to Dropbox. I also like that Drive has lower tiers if you don’t need 500GB and up.