Dan And Morothy

I have never seen a single person say that outside of this comic.

You forgot this one.

It kind of restores your faith in that kids can but good. This boy seems like a genuinely nice kid.

Also, you know what I love best about this video? He's excited for the card. Then he's excited for what he assumes is a random ultrasound picture. He LOSES HIS MIND when he finds out he's getting a sibling, which is of course by far the cutest bit, but he was happy, excited and grateful for a card with a picture in

You ROCK Ethan. Your sib's gonna need all that love, all that energy. And when they get annoying, just remember, they think you flung the sun & the moon & the stars are just waiting on you for their marching orders. Big hugs, big brother!

this! I took some advice from her for this years Thanksgiving. Her website had some great ideas and it was a good party with delicious food, awesome drinks, easy and pretty deco. My friend joked "Aren't you a little Martha Stewart", without knowing indeed, I had visited her site often. Don't know about the person, but

One of the best screen names around!

Keep on clutching those pearls whilst fucking that chicken!

oh no, we took rachet already too.

I wish there were more people in the world like this grandfather. If there were, we wouldn't get so many people out there unable to process simple facts like "I'm sorry, your password can be reset, but it's going to take a few minutes." "Well, that is UNACCEPTABLE." Really? I think you'll find if you really sit

I love how when it comes to racism, or sexism, people will denounce that as wrong under all circumstances.

My dogs go nuts when I come home. Totally lose their shit happy. They don't Cha Cha, but it's still really awesome. Especially after a long, awful workday. Reason 983,532 why having a dog is so amazing. Dogs rule.

The thing is, Hampton Creek does one thing, find new ways to utilize plants in food products. That is their mission. Whereas Unilever is one of the biggest megacorps in the world, their products are in well over a hundred countries. Only Proctor & Gamble and Nestle are bigger, when it comes to consumer goods.

I wouldn't say "pointless". His unceremonious death, like many similar deaths in book 7, are what really sell the last installment as a wartime story. These characters that you spent 6 books are suddenly getting picked off like flies, and the sense of urgency that gives the story is pretty brilliant actually.

can't say i haven't had this experience unfortunately, it seems like when they have kids it validates them in a way that nothing has before and they feel they can now be the center of attention in a society-sanctioned way, because they're A PARENT now. Love your user-name by the way :))

Applet >>>>> George.
I'm just gonna put that out there.

What I'm thinking the world doesn't need is vitriolic comments that have nothing to do with the content or tone of whatever they were supposedly in reply to.

Mmmm. Simply roasted veg are great. I make them as a morning snack all the time when I work at home and want to heat up the house...roasted green beans, asparagus, broccoli, sweet peppers, Shishito or Padron peppers, cauliflower...

Excuse ME, Chicago happens to have some of the best food and the best restaurants in the world. I mean sure, there are some terrible midwestern dishes happening, but if you aren't smart enough to go to any of the hundreds and hundreds of awesome places that's not Chicago's fault.

i once saw a colonial woman on the wing of the airplane churning butter. no one believed me :)