Dan And Morothy

That’s a bullshit equivalency. Holding a Mohammed cartoon competition, particularly in light of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, is particularly fucked up. She knew the likely response, and she is gleeful that the event was attack. It’s exactly what she was hoping for. Equating this with wearing a mini-skirt and getting

Geller routinely says and does inflammatory things. She purposefully incites anger in the Muslim community. I’m not saying her speech should be illegal, but we’re also free to criticize it. Saying and doing things that you know can incite violence (and by the way, her speech also incites anti-Muslim violence) is

No, she really isn’t. I agree that her post is a bit problematic, but she isn’t suggesting we allow religious extremists the right to decide what we can and can’t say. She’s simply saying Geller is pushing the boundaries of “free speech.”


Glad you like it!! It’s one of my favorite scenes from the entire series.

I don’t think anyone is suggesting we should allow religious extremists to decide what we can and can’t say. Having said that, Ms. Geller held this event specifically to goad religious extremists. This is what she does. This is the best thing that could have happened as far as she is concerned. This gives her

Her hair is amazing!!! She wouldn’t be Grace Coddington without that hair!

You are always perfect. Always.

You would be shocked at how many people actually love that shit.

I have worked in kitchen design studios for over ten years. Unfortunately Teakwood's attitude is all too common. A lot of men pretend they're not interested, or take the "uh, you're going to have to run that by the little lady!" It's disgusting. Once I get that from the husband I immediately treat the wife as the

Honestly, I think we both nailed it...

You're totally that guy who says "Welp, she didn't get me a refill on my soda quickly enough. That's a dollar off the tip," aren't you? If regularly dine in the same establishment you are definitely the guy that all the servers try to get out of serving.

If you're ever in Chicago try to make it to 42 Grams. It is hands down the best meal I've ever had in my entire life. I ate at Grace after eating at 42, and was disappointed. Intellectually, I know that I should have loved the food at Grace, but I couldn't help but compare it to 42, and it came up short. But a lot of

Splitting checks in a really nice place is kind of a no-no, I think. My policy is if I invite you to dinner at a very fancy place I'm paying for everyone's meal. I issued the invite. I chose the restaurant. I would be appalled and offended if someone invited me to a dinner that runs $100 per person, and then asked for

Sound advice. Some of the best meals I've ever had were things I had no idea about when ordering them.

If you're eating at a restaurant that offers a chef's tasting menu, always get it. Always! It will almost never disappoint.

Not liking the taste of meat does not make you a child. Going to a steakhouse (a house that specializes in STEAK, which you do not like), and then complaining the chicken isn't up to your standards kind of makes you child. Go to a restaurant that specializes in chicken!

I find Daiya a bit on the oily side. I like Tease better, but will use Daiya if I can't find Tease. I do eat real cheese, but sometimes I just want the vegan stuff because I actually feel better after eating it. Real cheese can get a bit heavy...

Oh my god, that was the most bizarre conversation!! Almost as confusing as the conversation about the two gym-bros arguing about how many days there are in a two week span. Baffling is right.