Dan And Morothy

Me, too! No shame. :)

Still not convinced it isn’t. See: The Parent Trap. She’s played two people before.

No, you can’t prove it in a court of law but we can all see she got exactly what she was looking for. She’s practically gloating and it’s disgusting.

Economic strife and intense daily stress increases the likelihood of getting radicals in any religion, you can’t quite say this religion stands out for violence and radical crazies until the countries of origin have children who have grown up without a brutal and turbulent environment.

I think the trick here is to make it clear that “ideology” is being challenged, rather than culture, race, identity, etc. It should be made extra clear that individual Muslims are not being demonized.

I will hold a thousand exhibits in solidarity with the Charlie Hebdo editorial staff.

Perfect example of the Gay Agenda at work:

My husband and I went to our first fancy dinner a couple of weeks ago. I'll admit, as a woman in her 40s my diet consists largely of Taco Bell and Spaghettios. So it should come as no surprise that when I ordered the awesome-sounding Ahi Tuna Stack with wasabi sauce and wontons, I was shocked and horrified that the

Not only that, but "gimme" sounds kind of childish. It seems like an adult should at least be able to say, "I would like," "May I have," or just about anything else with at least a modicum of eloquence. And always, always either start or end with please.

I have that problem with prompting polite words. I've worked

You're thinking about this too hard - just tip like a grown ass man.

Have you tried just growing up?

I'd like to go further on the tipping point here.

If you're at an ethnic restaurant, and there's something on the menu that you've never seen before in that type of restaurant (or better yet, a whole section called "Regional/ Chef's Specialty" or similar), order from there. ie don't be the person who always gets Kung Pao/ Pad Thai/ Chicken Enchiladas every time. The

Or, depending on the menu, you can just say it simply in English based on the main ingredient: "I'll have the duck" instead of "canard roti aux pommes," for example.

I would have carried the OP's snark a little further: "About 30 centimeters."

Then get them over medium, the proper way.

Um excuse me but stopping the sun in the sky so I do not experience a single moment of minor discomfort is, like, a basic part of the restaurant service I'm paying for. I make sure to take a full dollar off the shitty tip I was going to leave every time I notice the sun has moved, that's just what's fair.

And your martini had better be made with gin, or else it's just a cocktail. I'm talking to you, vodka.

"Gimme a ____!" is for cheerleaders yo.

Well, I mean he's not abusing anyone, but... I would be embarrassed if my dining companion behaved this way.