Dan And Morothy

I guess I'll have to start my own school of political thought. I'll call it the "We're pretty much liberal except we believe that parents should use common sense about when and where it is appropriate to bring their children, which some people seem to think isn't liberal, but whatever, we'll still vote for social,

Annoying children should be allowed everywhere is pretty much the mantra of insufferable parents.

The implication of Christianity is also that non-Christians will go to Hell and burn. But hey, why be rational when you can single out Islam!

Dorothy has her shady moments. She doesn't dish it out with the southern charm like Blanche does, but it's there. Like the time this happened:

Reading is straightforward: you see a flaw, something the enemy is trying to hide or is insecure about, and point it out. Shade is subtle: you see the same flaw, and point it out without pointing it out. You can't shade if you can't read.

"Shade is, I don't tell you you're ugly but I don't have to tell you because you know you're ugly. And that's shade."

She should be made a Disney Princess but without all the glam treatment and watering down of her story.

Odd then that Mr. Roman didn't refer to words of anti-semitism or apartheid as "the main cause for concern" or "really the issue at hand". One might even think you're exaggerating or lying.

Comparisons to apartheid are pretty fair, honestly.

These people can pry the Gardein ficken (faux chicken) out of my cold dead hands.

Preach! I am vegan and I don't care what anyone else eats, so I'd just like the same respect and courtesy from others. Let me eat my "weird" vegetable sandwiches or meatless tacos free of ridicule.

They gave her one 'traditional' boys name and one 'traditional' girls name. What the F is the problem here? That the child has been given options while it is still young enough to not know it might want them? Why is everyone so protective of kids bucking traditional gender roles when they get old enough to get bullied

People's childhoods were ruined by warning about racism...

Everyone is making a fucking mountain out of a mole hill here in the comments. Stop caring about what other women do to their looks. Worry about yourself. The end.

Yes! The GOP is one big MRA!

My grandfather always ate breakfast, dinner, and supper. Dinner being the most important meal of the day (for him, lunch) and supper being a light meal in the evening.

Scientific evidence for the disorder in the first place:

There's something about Katy Perry's tweet that just hit me a bit in the heart.

You know the feeling you get from stretching out your muscles in the morning that's kind of tense but immensely satisfying? Combine that with a sexy person rubbing your shoulders and the extra thoughts in your brain slowly disappearing and you've got yourself a boner that feels good.

Being non-consensually assailed with violent, graphic imagery of rape porn is not even close to the same thing as voluntarily looking at porn that appeals to you.