Dan And Morothy

I only allow misandrist lullabies in my house.

Uber, are you just smashing all these fruits into your mouth? I'm sort of worried about how many of them are juicing up your face. Maybe, you know, slice or eat with a fork? I'm picturing you in a high chair, just slamming fist-fulls of juicy fruits into your gob.

The fact that what you took from this article is "Jezebel feel[ing] the need to tell everyone how they can speak" as opposed to the larger point of generally recognizing the individuality of human beings and not engaging in "benevolent" stereotyping, which can be very insidious, is telling.

I want YOU to go have FGM. JUST YOU.

Heck, free pizza is the whole reason I chose to be gay.

Pancake people always abusing a tragedy. It's too soon. A good guy with a waffle is the only thing to help a bad guy with a waffle.

Carmen is such a hypocrite. She used to use the t-word in her social media and and then started going back and deleting her old tweets, etc. after this all started to blow up.

did you back up your phone so you won't lose all your friend?

Ok, so it's totally fair to not like sushi and people shouldn't be made fun of for not liking sushi. BUT WHO GOES TO A MICHELIN-STARRED SUSHI RESTAURANT IF THEY DON'T LIKE (or don't know if they like) SUSHI?!?!


... (making shameful face as I go down, down, down into a shame spiral).... no, I'm not REALLY watching marathons of reality TV shows like Wife Swap... nope.

There's a Subway opening inside my nearest Subway next month.

So watery...but with a smack of beer!

As I looked out across our backyard yesterday I got such a sense of warmth, peace, and unbridled patriotism seeing my family share time together. Brother 1 with his Asian wife, brother 2 with his African American wife, Dad with his new Asian wife, and Mom with her new girlfriend. It was beautiful and it was America.

If you're in the military and they discover you're an atheist, they will try to claim that you're a suicide risk because you have no spirituality at all. And you will be sent to talk to a chaplain. It is not fucking easy to be an atheist in a place that claims "freedom of religion" & then tries to take away your

or Ms. Anya Christina Emmanuella Jenkins.

Frankly, I'm the opposite - I love that their take on politics is so realistic as opposed to the melodrama of House of Cards and Scandal. My boyfriend used to work on the Hill and every time he watches a new episode all he can say is "Yep, that is exactly how it is." It's great to see a show about American politics

Oooh. May I?

She's enjoying some rekreashawn and relaksashawn.