Dan And Morothy

I think it's more like the people who get obnoxious when someone politely declines a meat dish or politely asks if something is vegetarian.

Wow, this was a needlessly smug post. How about you do you and leave us vegetarians to do us?

I CAN NOT wait to get real old....I'm gonna do anything I please! I lived in a small town once and every Xmas they had a parade and one of the attractions was a fancy bus stuffed with nursing home residents. We all waved furiously and some waved back, others looked depressed, confused..listless. My plan was to be a

Gas masks and equipment need to be able to fit over one's hair. In Canada, for example, there were rules on how we wore our long hair in the military so that it didn't interfere with things we were doing.

A few years ago I was on a flight from Chicago back home. I sat on the aisle of a 3 seat row and next to me were two women in their 70s. You could tell they'd known each other forever and were the kind of women I think of as Broads. Ballsy ladies that had madcap adventures in old movies.

Have you ever mentioned your significant other to anyone at work? Mentioned going on a date? Told a story about an old ex?

Straight people come out all the time, but no one realizes that's what they're doing.

...and Chris Christie isn't a lying, fat fuck.

First of all, Enrico Whats His Name was phenomenal casting for Gianni. I did a doubletake because I thought it was the real thing. Also, Raquel Welch looks amazing and of course, Gina Gershon killed it as Donatella. That being said, the runway shows were laughable. The "models" were straight of central casting, the

Joe Giudice is the living embodiment of the way I feel after eating too much at lunch.

If wanting to look better naked is the reason to start getting on the treadmill, I have nothing against it. Many of my exercise routines started as a way to get a revenge body ... but ended in a 1980s movie-montage-moment where I discovered inner strength I didn't know I had and learned a little something about myself

The problematic part of

"...but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't at least 50% about looking good naked. Post-breakup or not."

I am really pro-angry running. When I have a shitty day at work there is nothing on Earth that feels better than running in the dark until I DON'T FEEL ANY FEELINGS. Especially if it is snowing/raining and cold and horrible and you look like a crazed maniac. It works. Better than therapy, man.

SOOOO ANGRY!!! She had his knowledge. She knew what would happen to her, but she also knew that she'd grown tremendously in her time with him. She would rather have died than go back to her old self and old life, and it was NOT HIS CALL. He had NO RIGHT to wipe her brain, while she begged him not to do it, again,

Nah, roasted garlic is delicious, but it makes for a blander and more boring Caesar dressing. You need the vicious roundhouse punch of raw garlic! YOU NEED IT

I love it, make your own croutons but screw separating the eggs because it is too much of a hassle. I love the food spin but some articles I seriously wounder if this Albert Burneko is some sort of anagram for Jason Whitlock in some strange foreign language.

Just what is your point here?

That was awful, but the part that killed me was seeing the little kid attached to the 456 who had been living that awful life for 60+ years, knowing it would keep going and going. Death was much more merciful.

It's not the perfect example of this, but I'm surprised nobody else brought it up.

Why couldn't it have been a Swamp of Happiness?! DAMN YOU ARTAX...