Dan And Morothy

"The pussy must try someone else"

The softness/flyaway bits are the best thing about the style! Love it.

Well, none of us read it that way. Don't act like a victim, you're the one that attacked Lindy and accused her of being a hyprocite. If you don't like it when a group of people defend someone, then don't attack people. You could ask a question in order to get clarification before you attack. It's a really good

Cute. You're embarrassed because of your poor comprehension skills.

Hey! We play this game all the time in my house. In our game, Burt gets on the floor and thinks she's a lion who needs Vodka to fight a magic wizard. If she crawls over to you and screams at you to go get her some Vodka, and you can do it without crying about what she said about your mom, you win! We call it 'Burt

I love everything and hate nothing about this thread.

No, if this were the equivalent of a commercial for a hair removal product aimed at women it would have began with him walking into the room and disturbing and exposing that there is light stubble on some parts of his body and then have everyone in the room gasp in horror (you don't see it, but you can hear the sound

I think the scene just lasts too long. However, the tray scene is hilarious enough to make up for it. And I love the kids getting dumped in the woods.

I know this might sound weird, but we can be pissed off about both. Shocking, I know.

This is my spirit animal. I have found my spirit animal.

That's the great thing about comedy. It's all subjective. If you like it, I support you.

She's "seen this so many times?" What, this week? She's so young. Not to get all elderly and cane-wavy and whatnot, but SHE IS SO YOUNG. I hope she is still around 30 years from now and can look back at this and be all "yeah... I was a fucking moron." Or, she'll be 50 and still trying to act 20 like Madonna.

"'You know we’re about to make history right now?' What's amazing is, I think, now we're three days later they're still talking about it."

I went vegan and oil free at the beginning of this year. It taught me a lot about my triggers. I didn't allow myself cheats so I had to confront the emotions as they happened. It gave me time to get over a lot of the physical cravings. Some are still there. I've lost 22 pounds, though have a lot to go and still get

He must be an understudy for Joffrey

Observation: No halal or kosher butcher, gluten intolerant person, or vegan (god hate 'em) cares as much about the purity of a given meal than self-appointed defenders of BBQ nation. A more humorless bunch of people has never cooked this side of PETA.

Thank you all for your kinds words.

My husband and I had to make the difficult decision to terminate for medical reasons (TFMR) my pregnancy at 20 weeks because our son was missing half of his brain (among other malformations). 9/2 will be one month since we said good-bye; and is also the estimated due date from the embryo we lost at ~6ish weeks in

The bit I excerpted, that's where he's speaking against feminist ethically produced porn. He's calling it "oppressive" to make and market porn toward women. It's idiotic, and it's 100% a White History Month argument. Why do you need porn for women? Why not just everybody look at the same porn? Don't you think