
I don't criticize the people who buy them, but I will freely criticize their products. What I dislike the most about Apple, is the effect it has on the tech industry, i.e. treating us like morons. There's ease of use, and then there's over-simplification.

No it doesn't, but look at the reviews. I doubt you'll find much better pictures than what a Lumia 1020/1520 can take.

Have you seen the pictures a Lumia 1020 & 1520 can take? Probably the best picture quality you can get on a smartphone.

Everyone has cool research. They have that projection tech as well, but as IF an xbox one could run it!

I can admit they do some neat stuff, but still say I will not be buying an Xbox, at least not until they can gain my trust back and after my history with Xbox consoles, that may be a while.

hopefully, unlike other predictive algorithms,it'll actually work for me

true that, remember the surface table?

MS aren't the only ones doing this type of research, they are however doing this because they have competition

So it's an emulator for when I was four years old and my parents told me I was playing Pacman when really all I was doing was pressing buttons while the demo screen played because they didn't want to waste quarters on a four year old's meager attempts to play Pacman.

the concept sounds a bit contrived, over complicated, and far too inefficient. As it points out, this system requires even MORE bandwidth. That's taking several steps backwards to try at one step forward.

Microsoft Research does great stuff and then the rest of the company completely fails to package and sell it properly.

I have to respectfully disagree. I consider"doing this with their research" practical consumer ready applications and/or products. This as well as the entire room ar (i forgot what it was called) are very cool and promising, but until such a time I am able to purchase or/experience either they will remain exactly

The problem is that the stuff that Microsoft Research does rarely makes it to market.

they made a computer, play the game for you, and made the player feel like they were playing.. BUT THEY WEREN'T...you aren't playing the game in this case.. IT is playing you...

this is actually invented by john carmack and microsoft is just stealing the same idea...its been called timewarp by john.

Microsoft Research is freaking awesome! The only problem is getting their research into a final stable version that has been plenty refine before hitting store shelfs...

Everyone does cool stuff with research. But that's the thing, it's research. And 95% of research never makes it past that stage.

It's astounding how poorly many of the commenters understood the article.

That's what happens when Microsoft finds itself in a vicious cock fight!

That's why I will always use them as my desktop OS of choice.