
Mr. dan7gtar,

If it had a HUGE mobile operating system behind it maybe. i.e. if Windows Phone was more widely used.

First: you're talking about business and profitability without a single word about actual profits and revenues. Microsoft remains an enormously profitable company. The fact that you don't find its products and services "sexy" has absolutely no bearing on its performance as a company, which is about making money, not

Just like a woman. Not being happy until you take both the guy's balls.

Microsoft has a twofold problem. First, they have huge base too intrenched in the old ways who are resistant to change. Second, they remain on the losing side of the marketing war. To many people continue holding ill will towards the company. I don't think most of these people even know why they're supposed to dislike

The argument against Kinect from an NSA perspective drove me sooooooo nuts.

It is a 26 year old computer program. That is pretty old in the world of computer speak. This would be like playing Oregon Trail while the rest of us play Titanfall in high definition on our Xbox One's.

I think this is one time we can actually seriously say...

Glad to see I'm not the only one who thought Marble Madness when I saw this!

Reminds me of Marble Madness for the NES

i guess they probably reviewed each year shot and carefully decided next what would fit and what wouldn't ?

Yeah, they probably paid extra to have the option to downgrade them. ;-)

Actually, your member would fall off due to reduced circulation and hypertension.

Now playing

Permanent erections are actually -very- dangerous. The 'more than 4 hours' thing that you always hear after viagra commercials has a very specific reason. It's called a 'priapism', and basically the blood starts to die, inside your penis. Smarter every day had a very interesting video on this, in conjunction with a

I'd swing it. ....like a Frisbee.

You obviously haven't played enough Halo.

Got a couple old but trusty Okidata dot matrix printers hooked up with this.

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your woz...

I believe he comes with some nerd cred.