
you were supposed to wear it under the wrist. The recommendations from Microsoft always said to wear it that way. Which was one of my peeves when tech bloggers (everywhere, including Gizmodo) would write about the awkwardness of the band, when they were wearing it wrong... If you wore it the way Microsoft intended, it

I think in the grand scheme of things, Microsoft got it right initially with going the fitness route instead of smartwatch route. They definitely could have improved their offering beyond the Band 2's plague problems of ripping straps and battery ailments, but otherwise, the band 2 was a beautiful device that worked

Why is it that I expect some sort of HUD (Heads Up Display) on these glasses with all the pertinent info for your run (GPS/Map, Distance, Pace, Heart Rate, Time, etc...)? Also, why aren’t these things included for $1,200?

Just more pudding to find the proof in.

I was thinking it would be more amazing to see Mr. Hawking stand up for 1 hour... Not comedy, just simple amazement at miracle/science/tech...

“Steven Hawking doing an hour long standup special?”

I think what the government may be asking for is a bit over-reaching, but I think that Apple should come up with a solution to crack their encryption, keep the encryption cracking in house (and top-secret like so many other things apple does), then on a case-by-case basis, unlock the phones as needed

If anyone can do it, MS has probably the best shot... Between their partner agreement with Apple and the vast amount of resources in their engineering team, one would hope that they can make a fly keyboard.

I’ve been paying for starbucks from my Microsoft Band since it came out last december... Its neat, but not buying a smartwatch neat (fortunately I use the fitness aspects enough to make it worth the price).

and here I thought “Hotspots” meant wi-fi signals...

Bill Gates has been a role model of mine for awhile. I believe whole-heartedly that he would make a fantastic president. But its been said in the comments already, he’s way too smart to be a president, and he’s doing much more good as a private citizen.

Lancaster county... Also known as Amishland...

oh god... I’m picky about that too actually... I’m a PC tech. always touching others computers. I tell them to clean their keyboards.

Dude, you could have wiped off your old controller before taking the pic... This lets the world know how gross gamers are.

awwwww... you poor blogger. You had your feelings hurt. Maybe your mommy should kiss your ass so you feel better?

oh yes... This takes me back to the ILoveBees alternate reality game. And look! There’s a new Halo coming out. But this does seem a bit more focused on the conspiracy of the Illuminati and masonic secrecy. If I wasn’t entirely lazy, I’d focus on the morse code messages. Both the flashing light in the hand, and the

So... Does this qualify as a rage quit article?

Anybody notice the powerpoint they were using for the demo mentioned something about a 37.6 MP camera on some device? I couldn’t make out what it was referring to... maybe another phone? Surface phone?

I hate wearing watches and any sort of extra jewelry beyond my wedding ring... But I wear the band throughout the day and have little to no discomfort. It is a little big in some regards, but it isn’t all that ginormous. I recently saw an apple watch in the wild... and I thought that thing was big. I have a friend

I will be sad to see it go. The $150 a year for unlimited streaming and 10 keeper songs every month ($150 for 120 songs is $1.25 per track) was a pretty banging deal all said and done... I bought one of the last Zune’s released. The black 64 GB Zune HD. That thing is still my primary music player. Yes I have cell