
I’m a Trump supporter but this whole #DumpStarWars debacle is just plain stupid. The ending was changed to make it less darker than its original cut and nothing to do with politics. Enjoy the movie for what it is.

Yeah, for the gym, I really liked my Band a lot. Best sensors on the market. Unfortunately, there were never enough apps to make it truly useful. A weight plate calculator, a decent rep counter, etc... It was basically a cardio device like most “fitness” bands, that do very little to improve fitness.

The “Bible” is a library of dozens of works written by dozens of different people over the course of thousands of years as a kind of cultural history, and some of those stories were ancient oral traditions long before they were ever written down. The works cover many different genres and span dramatically different,

Calling someone a slimy bigot sure is easier than addressing different ideas, isn’t it?

It’s just the same damn phone with small revisions. SMALL REVISIONS. I can’t comprehend iPhone fandom, I just can’t.

Seeing as he’s 70, I’m almost certain that he won’t notice these missing in 30 years.

it would probably also only be one joke, since it takes a while to type out those one-liners without hands

Oh honey... If you're going to try to correct someone....you yourself should be correct. It's from 1 Corinthians chapter 13.

Windows 10 is at the very least equal to the OSX. I use both and still prefer Windows 10 for most tasks. You want to see hell, go back to Windows ME or Vista.

I’m curious thought, I wonder how many supporters would actually agree with anything Bush said/did if it was said by Obama/ the “left”? I’ve talked to so many people and the mindless rhetoric that come out peoples mouth is astonishing. Sometimes all they do is repeat what they’ve read in the NYT or MSNBC with out any

Really? This is news/Gizmodo content? If you feel this crap needs to end and want your old Gizmodo back Star my post.

He is too smart to run for President. He knows he doesnt want any of that shit show. Anyways, he is much more productive in the private sector.

Now playing

Hmm... kill the president... where have I heard that before...

It’s a presentation about a camera.

You’re not the only one who noticed something about 37.6MP. As a current Lumia 1020 user, I got a little giddy when I saw that . . .

Hmmm, Surface phone is intriguing. I fantasize about an x86 phone. They could call it the SurPHace!

The only thing I would wear is maybe a ring with holographic projection.

I thought this was a MS Band article, what the heck is with those google/apple bits equaling the MS article length doing here?

The Surface Pro 3 gives me hope for the future of Microsoft hardware. We’ll also see how these Cityman and Talkman flagship phones shape up!