
Lets face it. Some of the people most susceptible to fake websites are senior citizens. And they are some of the most common church attendees. They probably want to find their churches website because the church stopped handing out bulletins (budget cuts) and started putting PDFs online. To which old people then get

and here I looked at "Tug A Jug" and got the wrong idea...


Agreed. If people can just try a device without bias, Give their honest assesment without being emotional, and communicate professionally with other people (even on message boards), then we will have the ideal tech world. Not every product will be good, but also not every product will be bad.

I had a dog that was part doberman part chocolate lab. Ferocious at the door, tender and kind loving as any dog could ever be! Haha! It worked well to keep away the J-witnesses. lol

I do not mind the implementation. In fact I think my post hardly has anything to do with the product itself. I was only commenting in regards to the fanboy perception of such things. Apple makes some fine products. I have no complaints with their products whatsoever. Its those peoples who drink the Apple-juice and

I'm not even an android user... Move along.

There would be hell to pay.

...Then dunked in an ice bath full of electric eels for good measure?

And here I thought this thing looked like one of these...

Is it bad that all I want to play in this sound system is O-zone's - Ma Ya Hi?

"Making perfect ice... 1 Cube at a time. Satisfying OCD urges so deep you didn't even know that they existed."

Do you have a good web-source for barefoot running? I'd like to learn more.

This is true. HSR needs closure. Funniest website of my growing up years.

I won't lie, as appealing as that sounds to go barefoot running, I am deathly afraid of ending up with loads of debris implanted into my feet. Regardless of where the trail is. Plus I am flatfooted. More surface area of my feet touch the ground than the average arched foot person... AKA those soft spots find the

Have you ever been to a gym where people wear Beats by Dr. Dre headphones? And I mean the whole series of headphones... All the big ones, little ones, and in ears. I laugh at these people because they spend will 300+ on headphones and then use them while working out, essentially ruining the headphones with sweat. Me,

Tie every new book purchase to a unique code (or a barcode for quick and easy entry), where entering that code enables free/discounted e-book copy to be linked to your device's account. Buying a used hard copy of a book wouldn't include the code for the digital copy, thus promoting the buying new books ideology.

I would be curious to see how different people respond to bladder pressure. If one has to pee bad enough, it could start hurting like crazy and cause a person to lose focus... Thats the theory at least. I haven't seen the mythbusters episode, so I can't comment to that extent.

That there is a good idea, and is very considerate to those who share the road with your tired self. You're a good person.

You sir, have just proven that people are capable of being complete idiots (in general). The cause and effect correlation doesn't exactly stand out in people's minds as to WHY they are feeling what they are. Like for instance, I wonder if the fellow in this article correlated his headache to being tased in the head