
EV sounds trying to be anything other than what they are are the absolute worst trend I can think of. A loud ICE exhaust, whether is sounds bad (most of them) or good (very few), is at least the result of modifying sound waves generated for a practical purpose - propulsion.

I’m just trying to figure out how much Disney would charge me for them to build me these sounds for EVs

Or... you could stop being a prick about people’s personal likes.

First of all, your screen name is terrific, so you get a point for that. And then you’re completely right on about Saab...I came here to post exactly that, but you beat me to it. Nice. And yes, having as little light inside the cabin is the best possible situation for night driving. So, if the author is a city boy and

All of the real data proves otherwise. 

25 year old here raised on the internet. Drove a Tesla for a month and wouldn’t go back due to the touchscreen. Aren’t any buttons in my Mk7 GTI I don’t use or make it feel cluttered. I love Carplay, but would hate if I had any larger of a screen than I have.

Ragebait will definitely get you clicks, but well thought of articles can too. I remember Jalopnik used to have some really good interview articles and investigate articles. Can we get back to that? I feel like the only reason I'm still here is the comment section and it's a hot or miss if that is even working.

You are just wrong. ANY extra interior lighting is going to cause your pupils to dilate more than they should and diminish your night vision. This is just science and not up for debate. A car interior should look like this at night, and I’d even say that they have the gauge brightness a bit to high even here.

Now I’m upset because this concept looked absolutely amazing! Maybe just shorten the front air dam and that was it.

*private equity

Just a point of clarification / definition from the comments: a venture capital firm invests in early-stage, risky “startups”... moon shots that will probably fail, but could change humanity (at least, that’s the purest and most generous definition).

Wait, are you trying to tell me that a private equity firm acquired a company then ran it into the ground? Crazytown.

It’s wild that we have this massive business market that literally consists of buying a company and then sucking as much money as possible from them until it dies. Pure vampire capitalism. 

Sounds like when a VC bought my previous employer, and my friends employer, and my dads employer, etc. VC’s can fuck off man, they just ruin companies for max profit. I doubt the automotive division lost money, but it probably didn’t make as much as the other product lines. Doesn’t matter that people will lose their

It’s astonishing that such a storied brand could be driven into the ground so quickly.” - Astonishing, yes. Surprising, no. Reason: private investment firm AKA bloodsuckers.

times like these I’m extremely thankful to have my 2008 acura csx. it’s got a 5 speed, it’s comfy, and it’s dumb as fuck. no smart features, no nanny aids besides traction control.

The neo-robber barons.  Im done with the modern era.  Lets get the gulletine in the square, take back the stolen money from these billionaires, redistribute it and start over.  I know that history says we will just end up back here again, but at the very least it will be cathartic for the rest of us for a bit.

Not at all surprised. I would never trust someone like Musk with any of my personal information orevn likeness. And I sure as hell would never give him even a cent.

If there are never any consequences, do they really?

Yet another reason to keep your old analog car running as long as possible. Or give up cars altogether.