
You don’t even need to go near the limit to have more fun in a simple lightweight car. That’s part of the joy. Modern sports cars are generally boring on the street as you are totally isolated from what is going on and you can’t hit the go pedal for more than a second without hitting prison speeds.

Pretty sure most of the folks who comment here that 400+ hp is barely adequate couldn’t make a single WFO lap with an analog 400 hp car to save their lives.

But the E28 looked a million times better doing it. And 286 HP is perfectly adequate for a street driven car, unless you’re an asshole who is literally going to speed every chance you get.

This is a car enthusiast site, right? Has the author of this article actually driven a lightweight car without any aides past the limit?

My opinion is that modern cars are really, REALLY good....for people who don’t care about driving and consider a car an appliance. Which, to be fair, is the vast majority of the car buying public.

You’re confused as to the target of your rage. YOUR EMPLOYER determined the appropriate amount of days and you seem to be upset someone uses those very days.

You sound like a crappy manager who seems to think that employees are clogs just like Elon and yes you are saying I’m a badass hardass curmudgeons.

If you think people are abusing the sick days that they have legitimately earned, you’re a toxic AF manager and I’m super happy I don’t work for you.

You’re upset at an employee using all the sick time that he’s allowed? A whopping 14 days out of the ~250 working days in a year?  

If you only want them to take 5 or 8 days a year, then only give them that amount. It is absolutely your right to set the amount of sick/vacation days employees get, but see how many employees want to come work for you. If they are allowed 14 days off a year and don’t take all of them, then are you paying them


I fly a King Air so I’m familiar with the process. It’s the rapid rate of change that causes problems, so if the cabin wasn’t pressurizing it wouldn’t be a big issue as they probably held at a lower altitude to sort things out. But if they climbed quickly with the cabin altitude still high I can see now how that would

This doesn’t make sense. If the cabin wasn’t pressurizing, there would be no cabin differential (difference between cabin pressure & outside pressure) so how did the eardrum damage happen? Unless the cabin did pressurize then there was a rapid decompression?

But even most drivers of electric Ford and Rivian models do not yet have access to Tesla chargers because the companies have not received enough adapters from Tesla.

I truly believe this is a significant reason for the current growth decline of EVs in the United States.

He is not an engineer, and never was

Do we tell him now, or let him find out from the Ukrainians?

Speed has never killed anybody. Suddenly becoming stationary, that’s what gets you.

Speeding is dangerous! Speeding is one of the most common driving violations and one of the leading causes of all fatalities in the road.”