How can you not side with this guy whole-heartedly, let alone as an apologist?
How can you not side with this guy whole-heartedly, let alone as an apologist?
Hey guys, you think this article was bad satire, therefore you think good satire can only come from The Onion. This is infallible and not at all pretentious logic. Trust me, I'm a math PhD candidate.
Yes, but only because it's pretty poor satire.
Sounds like Bob Kraft's smoke-screen was a little too effective.
Pretty sure none of these contracts mention anything about escalating fines.
How to write a Deadspin article:
Is...that you?
I knew I could count on you for this.
The best part of this whole thing is Joe Buck trying to sound unbiased and failing miserably.
My writing pad spontaneously combusted from the ferocity of the note-taking I did reading this comment. I should have just printed it off and stitched it onto my skin.
This game would be a classic if they weren't playing in a morgue.
What's going on with these nominations? It's the NCAA email fiasco and nothing else.
Even New England think this is messed up.
Except, it's all the race-baiting that made people anticipate it so much. There is no irony here.
The Colts are frauds and you are an idiot.
Arbitrary list is arbitrary.