
How do you know my mother??

I think sometimes abusive parents have a tendency to believe the lies they've told themselves about how wonderful their children's childhoods were. Particularly if their children turned out to be decent adults.


Yeah, well, we're not taking her back.

Seriously, WTF is up with the shavable baby? Why does it have hairy calves and shins?

I've met plenty of adults as stupid as these two both on the street and in jail (medical marijuana if you must know). If psychological age is so important to the courts shouldn't many adults be tried in youth courts?

Hah. If there were no big-assed Jews, most of my family wouldn't exist.

Sex is an icky, nasty thing that should only happen between an married man and a married woman and should always be punished with pregnancy! It should never happen between two horny individuals and definitely not in the back seat of a Datsun B210 that may or may not have dents and bondo, in the parking lot of a

National Domestic Violence Hotline

Gonna put this here for anyone who needs it:

Her and Notorious RBG are my (wo)mancrushes. They are my imaginary adopted mom and gramma!

Between this clusterfuck and our president going out of his way to act like a drunken moron at ever opportunity, I'm getting more ashamed of my country with every passing day. Usually when I talk to foreigners, I pretend I'm from somewhere else, because we're slowly starting to become an international laughingstock.

"What am I missing here?"