
I broke up with a friend who, as I was crying from being exhausted by the sexual harassment I was receiving in a muslim country on vacation, told me “you should be happy you’re getting attention, no one is even paying attention to me”. Fuck her and her fucking face.

I. Can’t this morning. I don’t know why; but the rage. Please keep following this. Jesus fucking christ on a motherfucking cracker. We need to have a revolution in this country. the 98% against the 2%.

Thank you for writing about this. I remember in the 7th grade that there was an 8th girl, kind of popular and already developing, who was rumored to be “having an affair” with the PE teacher/football coach. I remember at that time that we blamed her - that we thought she was a “slut,” that we though she had enough

I can’t wait to read her book. I hope I have at least 1/10 of the life she’s had so far.

I’m a boy. I am currently winding down a run of therapy for the need to be likable and pleasing to others. Some of us fall into that trap as well, but I’m a feminist too so I figure it’s a good trade off.

I need to say something terrible and I’m hoping some Jezzies will back me on this: I cannot WAIT for the Lifetime movie about the Duggars/the quiverfull movement.

“Could you BE any more pedophile?” -Chandler Bing, Friends

Every single story about these guys. Every single story.

Happy Mother’s Day y’all!

Love her and her music soooooooo much

Oh boy.

I trust my husband more than anyone else in the world. And in twenty years, he's never let me down. I am confident he never will. I love him.

My mother still brings up the one time I broke a window in kindergarten, and that other time I talked back when she told me to clean up my room as the reasons why she always liked my brother better than me. Oh and also because I needed "constant supervision". As a toddler. o_O

At age 16, my uncle declared to my mom, in front of me, that "she didn't turn out to be as big of a bitch as I thought she would!" Like that's a compliment. That's what I call a turning point in a relationship - as in, I turned my back on that dick and cut him out of my life just like my abusive grandparents (his

My aunt and uncle - who I have thankfully cut out of my life about 3 years ago, when I was 27 - CONSTANTLY brought up the fact that, when I was in 3rd grade, they gave me their old checks to play with. Said checks were useless, as they had closed the account and thought the absolute best thing to do with them was to

If you want more female driven games become designers and make them they say. Be a female game developer and they'll spend their time threatening to kill you.

EXCUSE ME but SP are still good, okay?! Or, like, they, personally are maybe not (like has anyone paid attention to Billy Corgan in the last decade? Not me.), but Mellon Collie will never be a bad album.

"Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness" was my JAM in high school. It just, like, SPOKE to me. It was poetry. The other kids didn't understand.

the Smashing Pumpkins were my Blink-182. So many feelings.