
Her book rules!!!

It's all good :)

yeah, I've been called a spoiled bitch by plenty of cousins because I actually made something of myself instead of giving up and becoming a habitual drug user like most of out relatives. I have frequently been told I spent too much time in college and that my degree will scare men off. They also love belittling me by

I also wish to add this tid-bit: Ask yourself what needs and wants you have sacrificed, or are willing to sacrifice in a relationship in order to maintain said relationship?

You're a very lucky person =)

I don't know where to start: I don't think I would've gotten a straight answer seeing as how he was a compulsive liar and broke up with me via text after three years to the day. All I know is, an affable gentleman handed me his business card for his PI firm awhile back and anytime I should feel the need to use that

I th you just became my best friend in.

I live down the freeway from where Blink formed, and they are a big deal to kids who grew up in San Diego, myself included. Are they as good as the X-Ray Spex or anyone of the aforementioned punk legends? No, not even close; however, they tried to keep punk alive and have a good time, so I'll always give them credit

That's sort of the case with my folks: while they never raised a hand, they were immature, careless with words and, while they put my needs above theirs, they puts their wants above everyone's needs. They partied a lot, used drugs, even tried to get money from me for them, the jerks. They expected me to automatically

No kids, period.

Okay, I confess, this song is totally on my iPod, along with "I Touch Myself" and "Believe."

I keep both numbers in my contacts in case someone I love or I myself should ever need them. Bravo for sharing.

author Caitlynn Moran made mention of dying her pits for the Isles of Wright festival in her memoir How To Be A Woman. I'd definitely do it. Oddly enough, I love my tufts of armpit hair; go figure I'll shave my legs and bikini area when it gets itchy, but I like my pit hair. In the words of Tina Belcher, they're my

Yikes, reminds me of how I felt about our last president in America, who got handsy with then-German chancellor Merkel.

Rick Perry needs to go to jail or get stranded on a desert island with no wifi. And it's idiots like him who push this kind of crap because they know unwanted pregnancy is a nice little obstacle for anyone trying to obtain any form of upward social mobility and just creates a surplus of destined-to-be disadvantaged

I'm a little more concerned that she's helping to fund a campaign against Scottish independence than Dumbledore's sexual identity.

People can be such bungholes! I admire your candidness and am glad you've shared. I've always been a bigger girl myself and know how it feels to be frustrated to the point of rage when shopping. And I think it's important that we acknowledge that men are just as affected by idealized body images.

whoa, settle down, Beavis.

I'd ask if she's on dope, but that would be demeaning to all the dopeheads with whom I am acquainted; hell, even my stoner buddy who cleanses his hair with peanut butter (yes, I'm serious) knows this madness Mrs. Duggar spews is the stuff of Judge Judy's favorite deli meat.

I feel like going and buying supplies and just giving them away to some disadvantaged kids. It's been my ritual since '95 to go get school supplies in preparation for a new school year; loved loved LOVED Lisa Frank. Sadly, I've just earned my Bachelor's degree and have no need for school stuff. Is a post-college