
If you are as smart as you believe yourself to be, why are you trying to upset strangers over the internet? That seems to be a waste of the high intelligence you believe yourself to posesse, does it not? If you're so smart, go cure cancer instead of making asinine statements on anonymous comment boards.

Ms. Ryan you are smart, eloquent and unabashed in expressing your thoughts. I commend you for writing this piece and fully intend to whip it out the next time so nosy relatives tries to feed me the baby-koolaid.

That's the job of my graph-paper notebook of poems. And to quote the smart-but-sellout Dr. Phil, "No child should be born with a job." And I agree: it is no one's job to continue my legacy and live in a savage world to satiate my ego. And let's be honest, parents are motivated my their egos to procreate. People like

Aww, is the one, presumably white guy on the thread, the one looking for something that can loosely validate his imagined oppression, feeling hurt?

All us Jezebel-devotees who live in the San Diego area should get together and go to the premier :)

That first photo reminds me why I still check closets and under the bed. Scary! I think it's the weird face-covering.

And people tell me how grateful I should be for living in this country, and how can I not be when the highest court in my homeland thinks it is someone's constitutional right to butt into my business in a hostile, violent fashion so they can impose their puritanical views on my person. America used to be the outlier,

They are not in alignment with The All Mighty and I praise him for his decision. Now he needs to take on Ireland for its crimes against children and unwed (often rape victim) mothers via the Magdalene Laundries, those sick, for profit homes for children forcibly-taken from their mothers and illegal adoptions, all

I would be shocked to find out prisons WEREN'T sterilizing inmates against their will. And why wouldn't they find a way to further dehumanize the most-dehumanized sect of the population? Why not further humiliate the most humiliated population? That is what humans do! Humans either kill each other or torture their

My Hipster Response: I stopped apologizing for existing before it was mainstream. In reality: I've never apologized for taking up space and existing, and I have no intention to apologize.

it'll be playing at the Landmark in Hillcrest starting July 18th.

I probably mentioned this on another chat board, but when I called a local theater and asked if the movie would be showing there the person on the phone got really condescending. At least it'll be showing on San Diego :)

I kvetched about that piece of non-logic first thing this morning.

Sex Ed helps to take away the mystery and answer important, vital questions. And I don't believe parents have a right to deprive children of vital knowledge for navigating the world because it makes them uncomfortable or interferes with some unhealthy mentality they want to impress upon their kids. Hell, it's anti-sex

Detachable shower-head on hard-rinse. Mind the water-pressure.

I'm jumping =)

I had a teacher who came in hung-over more often than not and loved to use the word "retarded" casually (she was later promoted to VP), another teacher who thought FOX News was sufficient learning material for a government class and a P.E. teacher who ignored students who singled out the smart, funny girl who happened

I carry one. And an air-horn and poppers. I don't know why poppers, but my Nancy-Drew senses tell me they'll somehow come in handy.

Meerkat, you live in a matriarchal society that makes both sexes equally responsible for looking after pups as well as hunting and finding shelter. I think you pretty much invented feminism.

And if you want something to bitch about that affects men, here's some suggestions: