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When this starts happening, you can have your precious boy-only spot back.

Amen. And the truly sad part is, it is not men who perpetrate crimes against women who legitimize it, but the men who vehemently deny it's frequency. Quit saving face for your fucking, over-privileged gender and do something about it. Or better yet, just stop denying it.

I'm furious that I'm the one who had to sit my mother down the other night and explain to her why her warning me not to piss off or flaunt myself in front of too many men, lest they pull out a gun, was asinine and that she was essentially holding me responsible for someone else's bad behavior. I am furious that I have

So insulting the intelligence, as well as the sensibilities, of myself and every other woman on the planet with cutesy political ads that are devoid of politics is going to magically make us vote for them. Yeah, sure.

Oh this reminds me of the time my local paper printed a gun show/ sale ad right smack-dab next to an article on a recent school shooting. My mother insisted I email the paper and give them an articulate scolding for the gross oversight. So did thousands of other readers. They didn't publish an apology, but did email

This sounds strange, but I thought I was the only one who went through the same issues and had the same feelings of guilt as a result of a far-from-ideal family situation. I tried very hard for years to control what I could and create stability where possible, hence my own battle with an eating disorder and pursuit of

I feel bad for these kids. They'll have survivor's guilt just from being born. I know I did for years because my parents were neither prepared or willing to adjust to having a kid. The party never stopped, I was just dragged along for years. In response to their frat-house lifestyle, I became the uptight prude. I

I really dig this. It puts a face to an issue that should be a non-issue. I guess what I can't understand with the pro-lifers is their sanctimonious attitude towards an embryo, but complete antipathy towards the people who grow from embryos. Most pro-lifers are pro-death penalty and gladly sign on for cutting any form

Congratulations, you're right. Whatever.

I remember when they made a fuss over Goldiblox commercial because it went against the dying wishes of MCA. But it was okay for MTV to use "No Sleep till Brooklyn" to advertise their joke of an award show. Mind you, this is the band that asked Ministry not to perform "Smack my b—— up" because they felt it conflicted

I had to stop watching. This asshole. THIS ASSHOLE!! He deserves no friends! He deserves to die as the sanctimonious, bigot he lives down to be. He deserves to live to be as old as the oldest person who ever lived, and live alone and virginal. Hell, let's tack on ten years for every person he called some idiotic name

I'm glad I backed out of the idea of teaching. I remember militant parents and perpetually-hungover staff when I was in high school and the absurd, rigid rituals of elementary school. Between book-banning and parents try to dictate how the staff teach, it's no wonder so many young people reject the public school

Buddy, you are on the wrong site if you want to boo-hoo over lost or discarded products of conception. This probably hasn't occurred to you, but the world is overrun with precious life that is consuming vital, finite resources at a break-neck pace and the human race will inevitably starve to death or kill itself off

He probably pulled that image off Google and doctored it up. And if he didn't and she did in fact abort "his" twins, well good for her. I would have done the same thing because no child deserves to be born just to be an example of his father antiquated beliefs and live with that same horrible father. This is why the

I really dig this writer/activist. Her interview in Bitch was spectacular.

Bravo gents!

I feel like suck a dick because I laughed a little at first, before remembering that this goes way beyond a juvenile prank phone call. And who wants to wake up a baby? Interrupting their sleep patterns in infancy can mess them up for years!

What kind of "friends"would bash on a guy who posts pro-feminist blurbs on FB? Hell, this guy sounds so evolved I want to friend him. He'd be my new BFF. Unfortunately, I know his situation and have myself unfriended people I found to be unenlightened, one of whom faulted feminism as the root cause of rape culture.

I never was much for those mate-dies-and-significant-other-learns-lesson-about-life movies. In fact, I totally dig the recent "Ruby Sparks" and it's predecessor (in my opinion) "500 Days of Summer" since no one had to die for a self-centered person to have their Araby-moment of realizing that the world expands beyond

I love Bare Minerals as well for it's non-makeup feel. I tried Mica brand and ir was okay and the women were trying to convince that Bare Minerals "expired" after just three months. B.S!