
Meet the mid-life crisis of pop music.

Reminds me of a book I just read by Andersen Prunty called The Sorrow King where all these teens in this one OH community (all his books take place in OH or PA) committed suicide because a supernatural entity that fed off sadness was getting into their heads, literally, and the creature didn't stop till the whole town

P.S.S. I still say that parents should stop using their kids as a platform to express their ignorance. Children are not protest signs, they are people. It should be up to a healthcare provider to assess whether the child can have vaccines and discuss with the child the risks and benefits. I hardly see a downside to

Since when do people take seriously the opinions of hipster-glasses-wearing Jenny McCarthy, who made a career out of fart jokes and photo ads of her sitting on a toilet? If that's how society operates, then why not have Beavis and Butt-head promote Climate Change Denial while we're at it. You know whose opinion

This represents the problem of promoting tolerance and enlightenment while having to tolerate ignorance. I remember reading on some quasi-anarchy page that tolerating intolerance of others is just cowardice, and I agree. Why should we tolerate speech that promotes intolerance? By allowing it we are giving it validity,

I have to agree with you, CrimeSceneScarf. I often tell people when they pry to know why it is that I don't want children I tell them "Seeing the direction of the world politically and socially, it would seem the best thing I can do for my children in this day and age is to simply not birth them." Last year I took

Because you know better, that's why. And I say, who needs them?

It took me years to realize that horrible fact about some people: Immature men don't want a younger woman because she is hot; they want her because she is too naive to see yet how less-than-hot he is himself. God bless the sufferers of inferiority complexes.

Now playing

You forgot the SoCal Bro. But that's okay. As a resident of the surrounding San Diego area, I shall elaborate.

Cox: the comeback kid of sensibility in the GOP. Now this guy is a conservative I can gel with because he is logical and sees the insidious and absurd reasoning behind restricting BC and abortion access to women and teen-girls. Maybe the rest of the GOP can get behind him and stop their irrational crusade against

Now playing

And it is because our society has trivialized rape for so long that men have felt entitled to it. And it has been treated like a joke for so many years that I'm disgusted beyond words. Don't believe that it is treated as trivial minutiae, watch this.

I remember when I went to my university orientation and the dean of discipline made it emphatically clear that if we had a "friend" who was assaulted and didn't want to report it, we shouldn't report— I mean push our "friend" to report the incident. From that moment I never trusted my college and I have rarely taken

Here's my rule: whoever does the asking should have some ideas in place since it shows the person being proposed to that the one proposing is serious and committed. If he asks, he should have some ideas in mind about how he wants the day to go. If I ask, he better believe I have the bakery on speed dial and a

I completely agree. Not giving a child the full facts about his or her own health is abusive and just makes them internalize a sense of pacifism and deference when it comes to their own health needs. I feel that if parents let children make their own decisions about their health from the time they are old enough to

I was a small child when it first came out and my mother has always been very pro-vaccines, so I was one of the first to get it. I played with my neighbors when they had it and my BFF came down with them while at my house for a slumber party when we were 15 and 14 (her 3rd time catching them), and I continued to hang

I love how children get to be the victims of their parent's ignorance, and living-proof and validation of said parent's lifestyle choices and arbitrary beliefs. It's so cute (and by cute, I mean head-banging, punching-the-wall infuriating) that our government is hacking away at our rights to choose what we can do with

She should replace that windbag David Letterman. Really, I just want a female late-night host on one of the major networks and she would be perfect.

I didn't have a lot of female friends for years and didn't really connect with another woman again till I got back in touch with a childhood friend. I've made lots of friends who happen to be female in college, which is nice since we all face similar challenges. I hate to say it, but this writer seems wildly

I feel for the kid: I brought a Barney & Friends tote as a lunchbox from Pre-K through first-grade, and was the kid with the rolling backpack till high-school; of course, that did not stop me from bringing my Rosey-the-Riveter lunchbox all through eighth-grade. And EVERYONE mocked that lunchbox.

I hate religion, point-blank. This is not to say I hate God or take issue with Jesus; in fact, it is quite the opposite. I hate that people have corporatized and co-opted the basic human need for spirituality and faith to get others to do their bidding since the done of man. The fact that the Catholic Church is the