
What the hell is the matter with the tech industry? Also, why does our culture cultivate an attitude in men that they need an exclusive "boy's clubs" such as the tech industry and that women who enter are a major threat that must be treated with the utmost hostility?

Okay, who is ripping off who here? I just watched this less than a minute ago!

I can relate to the involuntary nanny. Every time I complain about how much I dislike kids I always find myself asking where in the world are their breeders. I've seen them riding bicycles or scooters on the busy street unsupervised sans a coat, while on cell phones! A few months back, a boy was wandering a parking

I will not deny hipster's the individual quirks and unique personalities they believe they possess; however, I will vent my very basic grievances with them and clarify their motivations as I perceive them. In my humble opinion and experience in the proverbial hipster jungle that is University education, a hipster, by

Having only been three when this came out, I only recently watched it as an adult. And being apart of the generation from which I tirelessly attempt to disassociate myself, I can see too many similarities, sans respective economic and technological differences. This can be flawlessly re-done today satirizing my

One of my favorite films! What was so brilliant was that it was instantly dated-looking but used timeless themes such as dealing with love and maturation, which makes it completely relate-able to this day. And who doesn't want a young Chris Cornell rocking out to the shattering of one's car windows.

This reminds me that Steve-O is a professionally-trained clown and graduate of Barnum and Bailey Clown College.

Hey Kids! Feel like annoying your friends and alienating some relatives? Try this for a spin!

When I first say the headline image I thought it was Iggy Pop. But seriously, this is the late-night laugh/ incident of mild sexual arousal to end all late-night laughs/ incidents of mild sexual arousal.

From reading numerous posts I can see that, once again, we have a small fraction of presumably male posters who feel personally attacked because the opposite sex (the majority of the population, not the mention the source of said populations both male and female) wishes to garner equal rights both politically and

Yikes! Brilliant and moving! It made me as a viewer hurt for the male protagonist. Kudos to the cast and crew. I'd re-post this to Facebook but one of my snooty "friends" (term used in the most liberal of senses) would probably report it and have me booted. Never mind how many times I've reported content that was

I highly doubt that having a more equal marriage would kill sex because...

Girlfriend should sell HIM. I'm sure the primate habitat at the local animal sanctuary would take him.

I tried. Really tried to watch an episode of Girls, and I couldn't do it. I can't tell if the characters are aware of how self-indulgent they sound and the Adam guy just seems so mean-spirited and scary. Is it cringe humor? Is it drama? I'll try watching it again when it's cancelled in a few years like I did with Seinf

Don't feel bad for feeling a sense of relief and gladness for a just conclusion to a traumatizing ordeal set in motion by ruthless politicians who have not the empathy or presence of mind to consider who will be at the mercy of their ruthless agenda. I know I'm glad it's over.

Does a person really need to be born with severe abnormalities and extensive brain damage into a world where the disabled are viewed as government-mooching pariahs and the butt of low-brow humor. Should a parent grieving the loss of a spouse be forced to raise a person who will be dependent on them for life and,

The first letter reminds me of two, nameless friends in a similar situation: he's always liked her but because he is on the chunkier side she could never find him attractive (her words). Despite her insensitivity with regards to his feelings he is still her loyal friends, has witnessed the various infidelities that

I dig this ad for creating visibility for the disabled that is neither mocking nor pitying. Having grown up with a brother who has special needs, I find representation for people who are different in body and mind important because I absolutely hated hearing "retard" shouted on the playground, at slumber parties and

I was harassed by some guy in a class I took last spring. He really shouldn't have given me his number and email on little scraps of paper. I signed his email up for so many sensitivity-training sites, sexual harassment prevention pages and every feminist site I could find with email newsletters: half of them were in

This reminds me of the time I took my eleven-year old cousin to see that crap-fest The Mortal Instruments and the ending cliff-hanger (which I suspect will never be answered on the silver screen since the movie was a flop) was that the main protagonist may have or may have not been smooching with her brother, thus