
I was under the impression you were allowed to be a verbally abusive asshole boss as long as you don't touch on protected issues like race or sexuality. I don't support any of the behavior, but I just did a training at work that was basically the horrible thing you can say without violating protected statuses. For

It literally cannot be overstated...us liberal Christians who are pro-gay-rights/marriage, pro-choice and Feminists MUST take a stand against church abuse. Godly behavior is about love, not bigotry wrapped in self-righteous prayer and threats of hellfire.

We can't allow bigots to run roughshod over people and bully

Wait, if you dry hump people you can get free cake?! I know how I'm spending my weekend!

"I remember my first, most intense dry humping session," writes Kaylee, wistfully staring out the train window. "I was the ripe old age of 18, at a Midwest college town house party, tucked in a back room with the musicians and their instruments, until one by one, they left me and the guitarist I had come with. We

I just read the screengrab of the policy and I could feel my blood pressure rising the more I read. If they want to block sites on university computers, go ahead. But telling students what they can and can't see on their personal computers? Fuck right off.

ETA: Oh good, apparently the story was on the Drudge Report, so

The last quote bums me out. Gal pal, this is not your fault. This guy sucks & him faking a suicide is not a respectful, mature, or even NORMAL way to end a relationship. He did you a favor. Yeesh. What an assbag.

I'm PMSing and I have a menstrual migraine - can I PLEASE punch all of these stupid tweeters in their collective faces? #TamponsShouldBeSubsidized

I will not watch them in a box, I will not watch them with a fox. I do not like kids, Sam I Am!

So today we have the would-be nurse who refuses to prescribe contraception and the would-be babysitter who refuses to change diapers. Great job, everybody.

Like I said not judging, just not understanding. I would think? at 8 months pregnant your maternal hormonal instincts would be in high gear to protect your unborn child? Maybe not. What the fuck do I know. My uterus is like the Sahara.

A pregnant teenager and her boyfriend were murdered after arranging to meet a stranger for sex through the website Craigslist.

You couldn't be more stupid if a chicken took off your head and stuffed it up a hog's ass.

Really? My daughter majored in English. Like my son, both under 30, she's an executive. She scoped her first job out very carefully (during the recession), and found one with lots of women in high powered positions.

It's e.e. cummings. Not e.e. Cummings.

Feminism is about equality of opportunity and equal rights for males and females. You seem to be confusing feminism with misandry.

I'd be shocked if you were over 22 years old.

you're typing.