
Thank fuck you can do that with art or a novel or any other number of creative acts.

Seriously, dude. And I haven't seen half the crap that guy has!

I can adopt a child and take them into my place of safety and security, and "continue my legacy" and "leave something behind," but regardless, those are absolutely horrible and selfish reasons to have children.

I've always wanted to have kids, but now I'm starting to have serious doubts. It has less to with what's going on in the news now and more to do with what he world will be like due to global warming.

That's what giant buildings with your name on them are for.

That's a whole lotta narcissism, don't you think?

I completely agree with this sentiment! I've felt this way for a long time (I remember saying it as a teenager in the early 90's), and with everything that has been happening, it only solidifies.

that's why I bought a dog.

From what I've witnessed living in the South, lots of fathers are against abortion, until it's their daughter. Then they are all for it.

Damn, Ms Flores!

well the mona lisa did :-)

I always felt she was kind of wrong about Knocked Up being sexist. It depicted a sexist (and realistic) world, but I didn't feel like it celebrated it. The Ugly Truth, on the other hand...

No, I think centuries of systemic racism perpetuated by white people gave me license to condemn people who would like to maintain white supremacy. And you're gonna be shocked when I say this, but I also call out BLACK PEOPLE for doing this as well, because you don't have to be white to think that whites are the

I don't hide my agenda of spreading awareness about systemic racism? Or racism in general, really.

White people have lost their goddamn minds since Obama came into office and I can't say I'm not enjoying it.

In all honesty I don' t think it's that. I think it's the whole thing about your daughter growing up and loving some other dude and you not being "the man in her life." anymore. I think it's just them having a moment over feeling like they are losing their daughter and wanting the best for them.

Does it ever occur to these asshole fathers that the only reason they are afraid of their daughters dating is because they treated women so fucking horribly until they met the one they decided to marry/procreate with? Why doesn't anyone ever discuss the desire to teach their sons how to treat women like human fucking

"I don't plan on ever letting my daughters date!" Mark recently to CBS News. "I'm going to try to do everything I can to prevent it. You know, it just terrifies me. It just terrifies me." - Mark Wahlberg