
We're on it. And if you want to flag stuff in the future, best approach is to respond directly to the post's author like you did here (that way we get the notification) and drop us an email, as well.

My sister hides hers in a hollow book safe I bought her. For those of you wondering, it's The Old Man and the Sea.

Violence is not speech.

OMG my ex-BF's sister, who was a total Real Housewives of Orange County wannabe (massive blonde hair, mucho plastic surgery, fake tan) yelled at me when I dared suggest those tracksuits were less than classy. She was maaaad at me.

She seems pretty fun but I hate stoners who think they're cooler than everyone just because they're stoners, deciding smart people must just be super dorky. I'd rather hang with the dorks and talk about something interesting.

OMG, my friend from college literally just posted this on FB a few days ago. When we asked her the same question (how can 5 minutes undo a lifetime of parental teachings) the feedback I got from other commenters was that since I wasn't a parent I could never understand-basically invalidating my opinion.

Good thing Jack Torrance is a married man. Look how safe his wife feels!

I just....no words. Only Jack.

Somebody needs to tell this to all those beaten and abused married women in Afghanistan. The married biological fathers over there didn't get the memo.

Girl. Being weird is awesome. Banality just might be the worst thing about pageants.

I'm surprised there hasn't been much talk about Miss Pennsylvania, whose story was that she was conceived as a result of her mother being raped and how she wanted to reach out to tell other people that they can achieve anything they want, regardless of where they come from. Given the stigma, I think it's a pretty

I don't waste my smiles on people I haven't fucked at least twice.

I'm as open-minded as the next guy but I don't smile at people until the 4th date.

Burt PLEASE WTF ban this dude, maybe immolate him if possible.

My Grandpa thinks Spike TV is some kind of channel devoted to Spike Lee.