
I second this motion!

Wow, even in the presence of Savannah Guthrie she manages to micro-manage her children's thoughts and words. Of course they weren't going to tell People that they live with a parent who makes crocodiles look suitable for cuddling. And her ex-husband isn't making the situation even better by going on Couple's Therapy.

I've said this before but Scarlet Johanson was already in a film this year that focused on a man's addiction to media. It was called Don John.

This is the fourth thing I have read today involving male politicians who believe it is within their political power to legally regulate what females can and cannot do with their bodies and re-configure the meaning of rape.

This is the fourth thing I have read today involving male politicians who believe it is within their political power to legally regulate what females can and cannot do with their bodies and re-configure the meaning of rape.

The funny (and by funny I mean pathetic, heart-breaking and ironic) part of all this is that these old men are so anti-choice till one of their mistresses become pregnant. It's also a tad inconsistent that men who propose laws to restrict female reproductive rights are the same politicians who push for lax laws on

My grandma says parents used to put a thimble of booze in a baby bottle to keep them quiet during car rides, public outings, etc... and she claims it worked well; however, looking at the psychological history of my mother, aunt and uncles (not to mention arrest records), something tells me there is a reason parents

Most religions condemn abortion for the simple reason that they fear a loss of worshipers. And if they do not scare people into producing more believers, then there would be no religion to fear-monger people into giving up their free time and parts of their wages to promote. Religion itself is a "corporation" that

I hate to use this as a platform for my why-some-people-shouldn't-have-kids propaganda, but...

That's just cruel. And the fact it was a museum dedicated to health and medicine is just tragically ironic.

God this reminds me of when they banned tampons and pads in the state senate building in Texas. I take this shit really personally because the stigma of disgust attached to menstruation is just so misguided and makes women in that position so vulnerable, thereby making women I care about and myself vulnerable. I know

Every case is different. I have a good friend who was told by the Asst. D.A. that her history of psychological disorders would make her story less believable to a jury. I know for a fact my own story of assault would never hold up as well. But I am glad that you had attentive officers and a caring prosecutors. I

We watched a video on Tut in my sixth grade history class and everyone burst into fits of laughter when the British host said "erect penis."

For once a parent is using their power of parenthood correctly. I saw lots of weird shows and what-not as a kid and ended up asking my mom if my aunt and uncle like to shoot each other with their guns when they fought. Oh and I asked my father if he ever killed anyone because I thought ALL adults killed at least once

Should cimena really be celebrating the prevalence of technophilia? I know Jonze thinks he's making a profound statement about the fetishization of technology and how all these space toys are just keeping us all big man/woman children, but it's hardly a new concept. Boys preferring the company of their gadgets has

I'd never heard "Blurred Lines" till the other day when I was driving down the road and flipped it to the "variety" station (a.k.a the station soccer moms listen to for the sake of appearing relevant to their kids' friends) and all I could say was "What the hell is this shit?!"

Clearly Mr. Smith doesn't get flying colors from Bechtel's test; however, he made Dogma. And he made God a woman. He made the main protagonist a woman. Yes Jay and Silent Bob are turd-ish horndogs, but they were never meant to be well-liked characters. Then again, I think Smith only ever set out to make the type of

There was this Natgeo special called" sizing up Sperm" and it showed several actors in white unitards going through the obstacle course that is the uterus. It was pretty silly when they got beat up by what looked like ninjas in gas masks. I guess there wre supposed to be spermicidal antibodies. Oh science.

It is because of idiots like this who see their children as nothing more than a vehicle to express and embody their hatred that I am not so against coerced sterilization. I know, I know "people have the right to breed, life is sacred, blah blah blech." But seriously, people who participate in/support organization

If Phil is so racist, how does he feel about his adopted grandson who appears to be on the darker side?