
I used to like this movie. It came out when I was thirteen and the whole world seemed to be attractive, thin and fashionable but me. I was the chubby dweeby girl with the rolling backpack who hated frmr. Prez Bush before it was cool to hate Bush. And I liked this movie when I should've hated it. I did hate that Prof.

Woo-hoo! Thanks for giving me something to smile at like an idiot! But, seriously, I've always had a jones for red-haired men and I am not sure why. I want the Weasley brothers, all of them!

Calling someone fat is such a cheap blow. I personally try not to go for easy-picking insults if I happen to fight with someone because I know how much it hurts to be the object of a lousy, two-cents jab. And it hurts because it really says "You are not worth working with towards a viable solution. I don't care about

I hate to say it but criminalizing polygamy and marginalizing practitioners is what drove them to remote areas and because they were marginalized, they were ignored and the abuse was allowed to fester. Now that it is decriminalized, and not to mention the fact that multiples documentaries and court cases have brought

Burden of proof is always on victims, never their perps. How bad is the epidemic of privileged, well-connected athletes attacking anyone with a body to which they feel entitled. This is bull-shit and if the national committee that oversees college football (perhaps if they were effective, I would know their initials)

This just made my millennium =)

I just assumed Santa metamorphosed various skin colors and different looks over the years when I was a kid, similar to Dr. Who. That, or he was just a ruse to get me to behave around the holidays, which was a tad hypocritical since every adult telling me to behave was drunk from Black Friday up until the second of

I'd say "Fuck Michigan" but, given the connotations of "fuck," it would be wildly inappropriate. For one of the poorest states in America and having one of their most famous cities in the throes of bankruptcy, it just adds insult to injury that the states has passed some down-right malicious bills making safe and

Semi-decent intention, inexcusable execution.

I'm in the midst of finishing a paper on if and why race still matters and using the novel White Teeth as one of my sources. I want to cite this article since it is so thought-provoking and raises the issue of old-fashioned perceptions that still permeate the current mind-set. And it would seem to me that these people

And so dies my childhood.

These commercials have annoyed me for years: not only did they feature only women for years, the women were often featured wearing clothes that color-coordinated with the products and in commercials where women were "dumping" their old-fashioned supplies, they made it seem as though they were breaking up with intimate

I dig this article, how it calls attention to the sexist toys that provide little if any intellectual nourishment and that it is not afraid to make the frank assertions it has made, to the dismay and discomfort of many readers who felt the need to comment in a less-than-graceful manner. And that Princess Leia S&M

I know had this same rantrum I had yesterday on the comment board for the story about the measly 6% rise in childless household, but all the reasons Spears just mentioned (the narcissistically-motivated desire for a mini-me and the belief that a person should be born with the task of fillinf the void in your life) for

This touches on a touchy subject: I've decided that I really, really have no desire to parent children at any point in my life. I've known this since I was a young teen and now being 23 and seeing the direction of the world, the fault in our education system and my own indifference towards children, I know more than

Really, Japan, really?! If sporting the uniforms of those responsible for one of the largest campaigns of genocide is "fashionable" then I have lost all faith. I know Japan has some radical fashion choices but to willfully sport the uniform of pure evil for purposes of aesthetics is so ignorant!

If she wasn't spewing antisemitism, this would be almost as funny as Charlie Sheen's public meltdown; alas, this is not that funny. I have a feeling she is on a meth binge and will come back down to Earth and spare the world a fake apology.

If Jesus were to come back down all he would say is "Dude, You're harshing my mellow."

Report it report it report it!! Even if they send you a review and have judged that nothing is wrong, complain again in the feedback, note how misogyny is tolerated on facebook and that as a person who is the target of said misogyny, you feel threatened. Threaten to take your social-networking business elsewhere. If

Considering that the Beasties adopted an attitude of gender-equality in their later career to the point that they asked ministry not to perform "Smack My B—— Up" while on tour with the band, one would think the surviving members would be proud that one of their more sexist songs that narrates a